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6th ray people are often the reactionaries, the conservatives, diehards and fanatics, who hold on to the past and hinder progress. Alice Bailey born on june 16, 1880, in manchester, england, alice ann la trobe bateman was a devoted missionary worker and sunday school teacher. This album contained a song titled "The Seven Rays" (see reference above). Her teachings and writings are viewed as foundational and authoritative within the New Age Movement. Alice Bailey's writings downplayed traditional devotional and religious aspects of the spiritual life, in favor of a life of meditation, service to humanity, and cooperation with "the Plan of the Hierarchy "[74], Researcher Hannah Newman described what she found to be an antisemitic element in the Great Invocation. [122], In 1975, Todd Rundgren released an album titled Initiation which has a song called "Initiation" on side one. In preparation for initiation, the personality ray works to prevent contact, to mislead, retard progress, and misinterpret. She states that there is now being developed a "new race" with a spiritual dimension that expresses as "group qualities and consciousness and idealistic vision". There are many degrees and stages in this experience, and they cover many lives. The 7th ray is steadily gaining influence. At first she was met with considerable opposition because . [1] She moved to the United States in 1907, where she spent most of her life as a writer and teacher. It expresses the Will of God in world affairs, which is the will-to-good. The Science of the Antahkarana is concerned with the problem of the continuity of consciousness and with the problem of life and death. When considering the rays, we are really considering energy. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. 3rd ray The energy of Active Intelligence or, to reverse it, intelligent activity; the intelligent use of form building, of all creative effort, to reveal divine purpose. [27] Its job is to transmit the seven rays from the heart of the Sun through the seven spirits before the [solar] throne to all the life waves of the Solar System. Perhaps this point, this challenge, is a good place to begin our group discussion. . A talk given at the Theosophical Society of Edinburgh, 30 September 2010 by Sarah McKechnie. That has been for a long time subordinated to the past ray of your soul, that of devotion to the soul, to the Hierarchy, to humanity as well as to yourself. Bailey's teachings revolve around the central concept of the Second Coming of a personal Christ, the so-called "Lord Christ-Maitreya" who is the "World Teacher" for humanity and who is said to be preparing his "return" or "reappearance" on the world scene. These are the seven rays, but its important to remember that all seven rays are subrays of the synthetic 2nd Ray of Love/Wisdom: Basically speaking, the energy of love, expressed with wisdom, is the line of least resistance for the manifested lives in our solar system. This means that your intelligent mind can dominate at need and can be far more powerful in expression than it usually is. This ray primarily involves the etheric levels and thus governs the true magical work - the spiritualising of forms. Also in 1975, Rundgren released an album by his side-project Utopia titled "Another Live". This is the major difficulty. As the 7th ray pours in, we are seeing the increasing focus on sexuality not always a pretty picture, but because the 7th ray governs the fusion of spirit and matter, surely it will lead to a wiser approach to sexuality. The second parts of these three phrases are taken directly from Alice A. Bailey's book A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. (Pdf) the Esoteric Philosophy of Alice A. Bailey: Ageless Wisdom for A They are seen as the basic creative forces of the universe and emanations of Divinity that underlie the evolution of all things. Alice Bailey | Pythagorasteachings Her vision of a unified society included a global "spirit of religion" different from traditional religious forms and including the concept of the Age of Aquarius. This they do through the powerful impact of ideas on human minds first, by initiating period of destruction and the breaking up of the old and hindering, later by the clear shining forth of the new idea and its grasping by the minds of intelligent humanity. [20], According to historian of religion Olav Hammer, Bailey's early writings of communications with the Tibetan were well received within the society, but society president Annie Besant questioned Bailey's claims of communications with "the Tibetan" and allowed the Baileys to be expelled from the organization. But the prism is one. 5. Introduction to the New Psychology based on the teachings of Alice A. Bailey and Master D.K., On the Way to the Source, Elly Lichtenberg, Marc Thiessens, Synthse. Three of these compilations offer quotations from a full range of the themes covered in the books. She described the majority of her work as having been telepathically dictated to her by a Master of Wisdom, initially referred to only as "the Tibetan" or by the initials "D.K. She became editor of its magazine, The Messenger, and member of the committee responsible for Krotona. These seven types of energy produce the seven types of souls or rays. [21] According to Bailey, she had come to see the society as authoritarian and involved with "lower psychic phenomena". The mantra begins with "From the point of Light within the Mind of God, let light stream forth into the minds of men" with the rest of the passage expressing the ideas of love, the return of The Christ (Maitreya) and of men acting in accordance with the plan of God. The Theosophical Society states that Bailey became involved in 1917. "Writers of the 1920s and 1930s presented themselves as advocates of a New Age of occult enlightenment, and Alice Bailey did much to popularize the dual terms 'New Age' and 'Aquarian'", Initiation, Human and Solar. This soul ray must be evoked into increased activity by the new group of world servers, the subjective worldwide network of all servers, working in all fields of activity, not just the overtly spiritual. Her teachings and writings are viewed as foundational and authoritative within the New Age Movement. Summary: A compilation of information on several noted Masters, Avatars and well-known spiritual teachers throughout history. Advanced souls, disciples, occasionally will choose a different ray for a particular body than the ones Ive just cited, but its always a good idea to begin with the premise that one is fairly ordinary, dont you think? (Tansley attributed the source of his model to Alice Bailey's theosophical commentary on The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the locus classicus of Hindu teaching. Its the bond of coherence, the principle of magnetic cohesion which works through all creation of forms on every level, from a crystal to a solar system. Alice Bailey's 10 Point Plan to Destroy Christianity It is always an interesting and an easy matter for the soul to control and illumine the mind when the first and the second rays are as closely related as they can be in your case. Alice Bailey No preview available - 1951. . If the statements meet with eventual corroboration, or are deemed true under the test of the Law of . Source for information on Alice Bailey: Gale Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained dictionary. Alice Bailey Books Lucis Trust Good Reasons To Reject The Alice Bailey Teachings Ray VII servers work on the physical plane. This energy has produced science and led to mans comprehension of the natural world. Isn't that what God wants of us? During a thirty year period Alice A. Bailey (1880-1949), in telepathic collaboration with the Tibetan teacher Djwhal Khul, wrote two dozen volumes on the origins and evolutionary development of Matter and Consciousness within our solar system, our planet, and the human kingdom. The rays in time produce the world pattern, the inner potency of evolutionary process. Love in Action was the concept promoted by Bailey's and Foster Bailey's "World Goodwill" organization. [47] In her thinking, service, "is a soul instinct innate and peculiar to soul unfoldment. "[50] Olav Hammer writes, "Her first book, Initiation Human and Solar, was at first favorably received by her fellow theosophists. She moved to . By means of this process of revelation, discrimination in thought will develop, leading to a truer sense of values emerging in consciousness. Blog - Isobel Blackthorn The result of the increasing flow of the 7th ray and the decreasing power of the 6th ray is to throw the millions of people who dont respond to either ray, into a state of bewilderment a feeling of being entirely lost, for all that they hold dear is rapidly fading. At that time, as you know, I endeavoured to help you. Because it operates on the plane of the higher and lower mind and because "man" is literally "one who thinks", the 5th ray has special significance to humanity. Christ hinted at this when he said "Greater things than I have done ye shall do." Re-visiting Alice Bailey's 10 Point Plan - Isobel Blackthorn These "races" are a way of conceptualizing evolution as it occurs over vast prehistoric spans of time, and during which humanity developed body (Lemurian), emotion (Atlantean), and mind (Aryan). She stated that all religions originate from the same spiritual source, and that humanity will eventually come to realize this, and as they do so, the result will be the emergence of a universal world religion and a "new world order". The personality raythe first Ray of Power or Will. ", later identified as Djwal Khul. The radio, telephone, telegraph and the power to travel. #4. [45] Rosemary Keller described the Great Invocation as a call for "the Christ to return to Earth" and wrote that Bailey-related groups purchased radio and television time to broadcast the invocation as part of their mission, and that often the invocation was recited in what Keller called "light groups", to accomplish what Bailey's disciples considered to be attracting and focusing "spiritual energies to benefit the planet". The Tibetan Master's Work Lucis Trust One ray is fostering crystallisation and the perpetuation of the existing culture, and one is fostering the creation of something entirely new out of the present world upheaval. The forces of the 7th ray work out on the seventh or physical plane the plane whereon major changes in all forms are made. The ray of the physical bodyfirst Ray of Will or Power. Alice Bailey's teaching on healing primarily concerns the relationship of soul to personality, of the spiritual to the material nature. 1. (Notice here relation to Ray II.). Higher Expression: Means of communication or interaction. [66] She stated that this new development may take many thousands of years and may therefore not be the quick advance some of her New Age followers wish for. The ray types give the new psychological approach to man through an understanding of the energies which animate him and make him what he is. They investigate the form in order to find its hidden idea, its motivating power, by proving the idea either true or false. In terms of living expression, this means that you can transmute devotion into love, and idealism into proven wisdom. Your personality ray is the sixth. Therefore, your rays are as follows: 1. In her The Destiny of the Nations, Bailey described a process by which this "new race" will evolve, after which "very low grade human bodies will disappear, causing a general shift in the racial types toward a higher standard. This will probably also better your physical condition.". "God is love" is a great truth, for love is the basic law of this solar system. Lets consider just a couple of examples to understand the complexity of the process. 5th ray The energy of Concrete Knowledge or Science. 5. It is the underlying principle of religion as well as all serious endeavour in art and science. World Goodwill is intended to promote better human relations through goodwill which they define as "love in action". The glamourous idea of initiation as a reward for a good, self-disciplined way of life, dissipates in the light of the reality. Lucifer Publishing Co., 135 Broadway, New York City. There are two major factors of paramount interest to all aspirants andin your casethe task is made somewhat difficult because you have to add to these two tasks the work of shifting your soul ray from the sixth Ray of Devotion to the second Ray of Love-Wisdom. The Bailey teachings are abstruse and authoritative. The concept of the seven rays can be found in Theosophical works. She left with their three children after formal separation in 1915. [25], Bailey's writings includes a detailed exposition of the "seven rays" which are presented as the fundamental energies that are behind and exist throughout all manifestation. Theosophists are divided on their assessment of Alice Bailey's writings. Generally speaking, in the case of most people the mental body is governed by rays 1,4,or 5; the astral body by 2 or 6; and the physical by ray 3 or 7. ", 6th ray The energy of Devotion or Idealism. Shnirelman saw some of Bailey's ideas on race as similar to the racism he perceived in the writing of Julius Evola, saying that "racist and antisemitic trends are explicit, for example, in the occult teachings of Alice Bailey and her followers, who wish to cleanse Christianity of its "Jewish inheritance" and reject the "Jewish Bible" as a prerequisite for entering the Age of Aquarius. [original research? Alice Bailey. Learning to recognise ones ray pattern isnt easy, but we have some guidelines to go on. Alice Bailey: Twentieth-Century Sirian Channel | Kinsett Alice Bailey, along with Rudolf Steiner and Krishnamurti, brought Theosophical teachings to their own audiences, helping to perpetuate continuing interest in the Ageless Wisdom. Works containing the prefatory Extract from a Statement by the Tibetan, generally taken to indicate the book was a "received" work. [5], Her autobiography states that at the age of 15, on June 30, 1895, Bailey was visited by a stranger, "a tall man, dressed in European clothes and wearing a turban" who told her she needed to develop self-control to prepare for certain work he planned for her to do. "Your soul ray is the seventh, which would enable you to work with facility in the new world which is emerging into manifestation with such rapidity. She described the majority of her work as having been telepathically dictated to her by a Master of Wisdom, or spirit entity identified as Djwal Khul. He describes Bailey as a 'post-Theosophical' theorist, reporting that Bailey received instruction from "former personal pupils of Blavatsky" and notes that her third book (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire) not only reproduces Blavatsky's apocryphal Stanzas of Dzyan but is dedicated to Blavatsky, as well.[53]. Arjuna emerges into the battlefield. When he is definitely aware of the issues involved, and definitely throws the weight of his influence, desires, and mind on to the side of the soul, he can take the first initiation.The ray of the personality is occultly "extinguished" or absorbed by the ray of the soul, and all the potencies and attributes of the lower rays become subsidiary to and colored by the soul ray. Ray II servers ponder and meditate on the new ideas associated with the Plan. All are essentially living forces carrying the one Life into expression seven great interpreters of the One Essence as it takes on form. Yonassan Gershom and others have claimed that her writings contain racist material. Why not ten or twelve, for those are also numbers of considerable spiritual significance? Eventually, the soul ray becomes the dominating factor, and the rays of the lower bodies become sub-rays of this controlling ray. In contrast to this, Daren Kemp in Handbook to the New Age sees critical differences between neopaganism and New Age movements and indicates that it is a mistake to conflate them. If you continue to use this site we assume that you will be happy. 3. The work of the 7th ray is the relating of life and form, but when the emphasis is laid upon the form aspect, then wrong procedure eventuates and the work of the black magician can begin. Together Alice Bailey and The Tibetan produced 19 books of esoteric philosophy, and Alice . I know that this will give you much food for thought and instigate you to renewed purpose in your life endeavour. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Though often referred to as the Robert Muller School, the preface of The World Core Curriculum clarifies that the Robert Muller School is founded on the ideas of Alice Bailey and The Tibetan: "The underlying philosophy upon which the Robert Muller School is based will be found in the teachings set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey by the . This is the true relation of the personality to the soul. All have been created to satisfy the desire of the Creator. A hologram is the symbol of the implicate order, he said: A total order is contained, in some implicit sense, in each region of space and time. New Age movement | religious movement | Britannica [37][38] She also speaks of these as "vehicles" or "sheaths", and alternately as the "mental body", "astral body", or "physical body". Alice Bailey provides us with a map. The title of the album is apparently based on the Theosophical concept of Initiation, taught by Alice A. Bailey and C.W. "During the annual convention of 1920 in Chicago, there was a power struggle between forces loyal to Besant and the Esoteric Section and others who believed that the latter had become too powerful. It is very easy to get lost inside or lose your head inside esoteric knowledge. Her books have also introduced shifts in emphasis as well as new doctrinal elements. They bring about a "righteous compromise", and adapt the new and the old so that the true pattern is preserved. This produces the precipitation of karma, but because of this grounding effect, the 7th ray will foster the spiritual advancement of all grades. The energies which emanate from what is esoterically called the "heart of the sun" sweep through the planets in seven great streams and pour into human soul producing what we call awareness. The disciple who understands this relation and conforms to it is ready to tread the path of initiation, were told. Your physical body is also on the first ray, so you can see how powerful a combination you have for service, if you can truly comprehend your problem and work with a sense of synthesis. The psychological implications are to be found in the transference of the psychical energy you wield from the solar plexus centre to the heart centre. For instance, the noted contemporary Theosophical writer Geoffrey Hodson wrote a highly favorable review of one her books, saying, "Once more Alice Bailey has placed occult students in her debt. In the theosophical teachings of Alice Bailey, there is a powerful being living inside the Sun serving the Solar Logos called the Avatar of Synthesis. 7th ray The energy of Ceremonial Order. The various rays of our makeup are a problem of the interrelation of energies, their fusion and balancing, plus the final synthesis of two major energies soul and personality. [6][11], Bailey discovered the Theosophical Society and the work of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. [12] Theosophist Joy Mills states that in 1918 she became a member of the Esoteric Section of the society. [103] He had developed his approach to psychology, called Psychosynthesis, beginning in 1910; his methods were later influenced by some elements of Bailey's work. Lower Expression: The use and spread of money and gold. Although the 6th ray began to pass out around 1625, its still the most powerful influence. Higher Expression: Masonry, based on formation of hierarchy, and rules for admittance. As your emotional body is, however, on the sixth ray (as was your soul when you came into incarnation) it is there that the emphasis of the soul has been and there has been for you the line of least resistance. Ponder On This is a popular and comprehensive introductory book to the ancient wisdom teachings with contents arranged in alphabetical order This book is a general reference to the entire 24 book collection of ancient wisdom teachings written by Alice A Bailey in cooperation with a Master of the Wisdom. The cosmology of the Ageless Wiscom gives an explanation of the seven rays so profound, so occult that its beyond the grasp of the human mind, but to summarise and thereby grossly simplify it: As part of the initial Plan, the one Life sought expansion. Alice Ann Bailey (June 16, 1880 December 15, 1949) was a writer of more than twenty-four books on theosophical subjects, and was one of the first writers to use the term New Age. Alice Bailey - Wikipedia The personality shifts from ray to ray, from life to life, until all qualities are developed. A number of books have been published containing compilations on specific themes of passages from all 24 books of Alice Bailey. The 2nd ray has the longest cycle, producing a "crisis of love". Blavatsky & Alice Baily. The books ofAlice A. Bailey, written in cooperation with a Tibetan teacher between 1919-1949, constitute a continuation of the Ageless Wisdom a body of esoteric teaching handed down from ancient times in a form which is always suitable to each period. They focus on creating a group of workers to carry the Plan forward. Alice Bailey then developed the teaching considerably in a number of her books, especially A Treatise on the Seven Rays. This is the coordinating capacity which unifies inner quality and outer tangible form or appearance. She stated that as evolution proceeds, things are accelerated and humanity will soon be predominantly distinguished by the Aryan consciousness. these teachings reveal a path to soul consciousness and the . This gives you power upon the astral plane and, in consequence, it gives you a powerful and sensitive astral body with all the implications of success and failure which go with that situation. Jon Klimo, in Investigations on Receiving Information from Paranormal Sources, writes, "As with Blavatsky/Theosophical material, and more recent contemporary channeled material from other sources, we find in the Bailey work the same occult cosmological hierarchy: physical, etheric, astral, mental, causal, and higher inhabited levels of existence. Interestingly, when a ray cycle passes out, the lower manifestation of that ray lingers on longer than the higher expression. "[10] For a more recent example of Bailey/Theosophy division, see Theosophy in Scandinavia. Unity in multiplicity is the Eternal Plan unity in consciousness, multiplicity in form. The personality ray fosters a separative attitude and causes a detachment from the group of souls of which the personality is an externalisation, and a consequent attachment to the form side of manifestation. Alice Ann Latrobe Batemen Bailey ( June 16, 1880 - December 15, 1949) was a teacher and writer and the founder, together with husband Foster Bailey, of a spiritual movement growing out of the theosophical tradition. [citation needed], The many claims and teachings of the spin-off groups underscores their divergences, for example there appears to be a widespread confusion about the phrase and meaning of "Ascendant Master" in that it was adopted by Mark and Elizabeth Prophet but not by Theosophists or Alice Bailey. Your mental body is definitely on the fourth ray and it is through this fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict that you can establish a rapid rapport with your brothers. Lower Expression: Architectural construction. [88][89], James R. Lewis and J. Gordon Melton, in Perspectives on the New Age wrote, "The most importantthough certainly not the onlysource of this transformative metaphor, as well as the term "New Age", was Theosophy, particularly as the Theosophical perspective was mediated to the movement by the works of Alice Bailey.

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