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oxford and bucks light infantry records ww2james cone obituary

Records Search now. Post-war, elements of the Bucks who had been attached to T-Force, were absorbed into No.1 T Force which continued to search for military secrets in the Ruhr. [19] The 2nd Ox and Bucks later took part in all the subsidiary battles of the First Battle of Ypres (19 October 22 November) that saw the heart ripped out of the old Regular Army, with 54,000 casualties being sustained. [40] The 2nd Ox and Bucks' last action of the war was the battle for Escarmain on 23 October 1918 during the Battle of the Selle (1725 October)[41] The Germans continued to be driven back. It is estimated that just under 2,000 Britons and up to 3,000 Indians perished in captivity. The 1st Ox and Bucks took part in the ground operation in support of the airborne corridor to Arnhem. The battalion would remain with the 53rd Division for the rest of the war. The operation was immortalised in the film The Longest Day. [20] The battalion had heavy casualties: four officers killed and five wounded and 143 other ranks killed or wounded. Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry (d.12th Jan 1916) There, the regiment, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Peter Young, saw active service performing internal security duties. Palestine was in a highly volatile political state and the battalion was extensively deployed on internal security duties and in assisting the civil authorities to keep the peace between the different communities. Operation Dynamo - Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum [110], The 1st Battalion moved from the Rhineland to Berlin in November 1945. In March 1922 the battalion arrived in Rawalpindi, India, later moving to Razmak in Waziristan on the North-West Frontier. The Ottomans launched numerous attempts to take Kut, all of which were repulsed by the defenders, with both sides suffering heavy casualties. [13][11][14], During the war, the Ox and Bucks raised 12 battalions (17 in all), six of which fought on the Western Front, two in Italy, two in Macedonia and one in Mesopotamia. [52], 1st Battalion The 7th (Service) Battalion was part of 78th Brigade whereas the 8th (Service) Battalion was a pioneer battalion attached to the division. In July companies and platoons of 1st Bucks were transferred to other British divisions, including to the 2nd Ox and Bucks (the 52nd) in the 6th Airborne Division and to the Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) and other units in the 51st (Highland) Infantry Division, as replacements for the defence of the Normandy bridgehead. The 2nd Ox and Bucks sustained 632 casualties during the first five months of the war and by 1915 it was a very different battalion from that which had arrived on the Western Front at the start of the war. [110] The bicentenary parade on 14 October 1955 included the last parading of the old colours. The battalion, like many others during the assault, suffered heavily as the Germans met the landing gliders with ferocious fire in the air and on the ground; the 2nd Ox and Bucks lost 400 killed or injured out of a total battalion strength of 800 men. Sgt. The 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion and the 4th Battalion, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, the TA Battalions of 145 Brigade, were deployed to fight rearguard actions at Hazebrouck and Cassel, two of a number of strongpoint hubs on the corridor's south-west perimeter. Giles, became part of the 31st Independent Brigade Group, serving alongside 1st Battalion, Border Regiment, 2nd Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment and 1st Battalion, Royal Ulster Rifles, all Regular Army battalions, the latter two having also served in British India before the war. [32], In January 1918, the 2nd Ox and Bucks marched to Beaulencourt. He suffered stomach wounds during the battle for Caen, returned to the Welsh Hospital but died from these wounds in Wales aged 21, on 9th of August 1944. On 17 May Gunners from the 5th British Infantry Division relieved the battalion which then moved to the former German cavalry barracks at Lneburg before flying home to the United Kingdom on 18 May 1945[95] and returning to Bulford Camp, Wiltshire. [62] The old 52nd Colours were marched for the last time; as they were taken off the parade ground, Reveille was sounded in recognition of the continued existence of the 52nd. During the landing which took only 10 minutes to complete there was thick smoke and dust from the area of Wesel and many of the battalion's 30 gliders were on fire and there were many casualties. [75], As the first day of the landings closed, more reinforcements arrived as part of Operation Mallard, they included the rest of the 2nd Ox and Bucks. The battalion, now commanded by Lieutenant Colonel L.W. In 1884 it arrived in Gibraltar and the following year took part in the expedition to Egypt. [65] At midnight on 25 March the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) relieved the battalion and by 06.00hrs on 26 March the unit was based in a farm on the west side of Hamminkeln. By the time the battalion arrived in the Ardennes, in freezing weather conditions, the German offensive had largely lost its momentum. The glider carrying Captain Brian Priday and Lieutenant Tony Hooper's platoon, which was assigned to the capture of Horsa Bridge, landed at the bridge over the River Dives, some seven miles from where they intended. The battalions of the Ox and Bucks on the Western Front saw extensive service during the Battle of the Somme (1 July 18 November), suffering heavily, including at Mametz Wood, Pozires and at Ancre, the last major subsidiary battle. The 2nd Bucks battalion, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Edmund Richards, was stationed in Northern Ireland from June 1940 where the battalion's preparations for war included training exercises at Castledawson, County Londonderry. Under command of 17th Indian Brigade of 6th (Poona) Division, Indian Army. The 1st Green Jackets (43rd and 52nd) was an infantry regiment of the British Army that existed from 1958 to 1966. It was unveiled in 1923 and is now a grade II listed building. Formerly Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry Museum. The 1st Ox and Bucks landed in Normandy on 24 June 1944[63] with the rest of the 53rd (Welsh) Division. The 1st Ox and Bucks subsequently took part in operations around the Lower Maas that took place during October and November, including forcing the enemy from its position holding a bridgehead over the River Maas, west of Roermond. [43] The battalion was later stationed in Zons, near Cologne, as part of the army of occupation. In 1943 the battalion had sent 46 officers and 1,524 other ranks as replacements. 4th Battalion, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry in the Ernest Walter Pratley 1st/4th Btn. Research - Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum Fighting around Caen continued for much of the month, with the battalion sustaining significant casualties. [26], In January 1916, the 2nd Ox and Bucks were at Cottes St. Hilaire; the 2nd Division was at that time taking its turn in the corps reserve. 1st & 2nd Battalions in the Great War - Oxf & Bucks Light Infantry [29] On 28 July the 2nd Ox and Bucks moved to front-line trenches near Waterlot farm and sustained heavy casualties at the battle there on 30 July. The battalions of the Ox and Bucks saw further service in many of the subsidiary battles during the Battle of Passchendaele (also known as Third Ypres) that took place between 31 July6 November. The Germans were defending their last great natural barrier in the West and Operation Varsity which began on 24 March 1945 was the last major battle on the Western Front during the Second World War. The 1st Oxford and Bucks were called back from leave and on 10 August 1956 sailed from Southampton on HMT Dilwara and arrived at Limassol on 20 August 1956. They were ordered to continue to pursue the enemy; the camp guards had already fled. The Royal Green Jackets (RGJ) was an infantry regiment of the British Army, one of two "large regiments" within the Light Division (the other being The Light Infantry). During the fighting German troops put out white flags of surrender and then opened fire. [34], One soldier who arrived on Sunday 7 April as one of the reinforcements to replace the 2/4th Battalion (184th Brigade, 1st Division) recorded that they had been reduced to 22 survivors with one rifle and three sets of webbing between them, commenting, 'I doubt if in the whole war any battalion was wiped out so completely'. In March 1946 the battalion moved to Alamein camp in Jerusalem. After the fighting at Anzio the 7th Ox and Bucks were reduced to a mere 60 men, out a strength of 1,000, testimony to the severe fighting in the beachhead. The 2nd Ox and Bucks were based at Fromlennes from 17 to 24 January when the battalion moved 200 miles north to the Netherlands to Grubbenvorst, near Venlo, on the River Maas, to defend the position there, before returning by trucks to Calais[85] and to UK by ship arriving at Bulford Camp, Wiltshire, on 28 February. CSM John Stevenson was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal for defeating several enemy attacks with a platoon he led on the east bank of the River Issel. Seeing both the pilot and co-pilot of the glider slump over their joysticks as casualties, he took control of the aircraft and brought it safely down. Wheelchair access. 4th Ox and Bucks were eventually encircled by German forces near Watou and forced to surrender. The 4th Ox and Bucks (TA) took part in the defence of Cassel, Nord until 29 May. He served in France with 1st Ox and Bucks (43rd) from September 1939 and was wounded during the fighting there. [65] At Hamminkeln the gliders flew into a barrage of anti-aircraft fire; there were 4 enemy anti-aircraft guns gun-pits positioned near Hamminkeln station. The 43rd Foot was based in Burma when it became the 1st Battalion. The 1st Ox and Bucks remained in England, based at Hyderabad Barracks, Colchester, until the outbreak of war in 1939. Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Ward commanded the 2nd Ox and Bucks (the 52nd) to May 1947 and he was succeeded by Lieutenant Colonel CH Styles, who had enlisted in the regiment shortly after the ending of the 1st World War, and was to be the last Commanding Officer of the 2nd Ox and Bucks (the 52nd). Lieutenant Hugh Clark led a bayonet charge to take a road bridge for which he was awarded a Military Cross. Oxfordshires Regiments - Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum [65] Lieutenant Colonel RDR Sale commanded both 1st Bucks and 6th Beach Group and after the Commander of No 5 Beach Group Lieutenant Colonel DHV Board was killed soon after landing, Sale assumed command of both Beach Groups approximately 7,000 men. [59] The British force, having given a good account of themselves in the defence of the Scheldt, eventually withdrew into France, moving towards the area around Dunkirk. 1st Battalion, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry in the The 2nd Ox and Bucks encountered heavy enemy resistance at Kahlstorf, near Emern, on 1617 April and sustained 25 casualties; there were many enemy bomb attacks[65] and the battalion then moved to the hamlet of Gross Pretzier. [72], In October 1941 the battalion, together with the rest of the 31st Brigade, was re-roled as an airborne battalion, specifically as glider infantry, and the 31st Brigade was redesignated the 1st Airlanding Brigade and became part of the 1st Airborne Division. After transferring from the Light Infantry Brigade to the Green Jackets Brigade in 1958, it merged with two other regiments to form The Royal Green Jackets in 1966. The Ox and Bucks Light Infantry had a regimental history dating back to the 18th Century. Pte. One of the 2nd Ox and Bucks companies came under heavy machine gun fire in the hills to the north east of the town. In late January, due to a new policy within the BEF of integrating the Regular and Territorials, the 1st Ox and Bucks was exchanged in 11th Brigade for the 5th (Huntingdonshire) Battalion, Northamptonshire Regiment and transferred to the 143rd Infantry Brigade, of the 48th Division. Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry - The Long, Long Trail The 2nd Ox and Bucks fought on the Somme battlefield at Delville Wood, Guillemont and on 13 November in the battle of Beaumont Hamel: a large attack on the Redan Ridge in the battle of the Ancre. In March 1917, the Germans began the withdrawal to the Hindenburg Line (14 March 5 April) and at the end of March the 2nd Ox and Bucks moved from the Somme to the back areas of Arras. Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Martin had the distinction of being the last Commanding Officer of the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry and the first Commanding Officer of the 1st Green Jackets (43rd and 52nd). The 1st Bucks were eventually ordered to fight their way back to Dunkirk;[60] only 10 officers and approximately 200 men of the battalion reached the United Kingdom. The battalion left later in the year, being based in Limerick, Ireland in 1920 to assist in operations against Sinn Fin and the IRA. The creation of T-Force had been inspired by James Bond author Ian Fleming who had created 30 Assault Unit, which worked alongside T-Force in Germany. [106], The 5th Ox and Bucks, part Territorial Army, was raised shortly before the outbreak of war in September 1939. [9], On 16 October 1908,[10] as part of the Haldane Reforms, the regiment's title was altered to become the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, commonly shortened to the Ox and Bucks. In October 1951, following a short period in Cyprus, the regiment deployed to the British-controlled Suez Canal Zone in Egypt. The battalion also captured Pierrefitte during the operation to close the Falaise pocket, encircling two German field armies, the Fifth and 7th, the latter of which was effectively destroyed by the Allies. The regiment, following disembarkation, was based for several days at a Transit Camp at Port Said and then moved to Gordon Camp at El Ballah. (d.13th August 1944) The regiment saw very heavy fighting against the Bulgarians around Doiran the following September, after the Allies had launched an offensive in July 1918 with the intention of ending the war in the Balkans. Major-General Sir John Hanbury-Williams was appointed Colonel Commandant of the regiment in 1918. [91] At Bad Kleinen the battalion was involved in organising the reception of the many German soldiers, including complete divisions, who had surrendered to the British army there and about 12,000 refugees who had fled to the village from the east. Oxford & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry (d.9th August 1944) Robert Winter, born 16th of January 1923, served with the 1st Battalion Oxford & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry in WW2. On 26 April 1946 the battalion wore their red berets for the final time, at a farewell to the division parade. The battalion was stationed in Jerusalem when the King David Hotel bombing took place on 22 July 1946. Pte. Research Service. The history of the 2nd Battalion, Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry begins in 1755 when it was raised as the 54th (or Lambton's) Regiment of Foot; two years later it was re-numbered as the 52nd. 6th Battalion, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry during the Great War 1914-1918. The battalion fought at Akyab in 1944 and at the main Japanese Base at Tamandu in 1945. On the 17th May 1940, the 1st Bn Ox & Bucks had moved into Belgium to Seignies, south of Brussels. PRIVATE Served from 1939 - 1946 Served in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry David Sutherland SERGEANT Served from 1946 - 1948 Served in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry Robert Mitchell RIFLEMAN Served from 1953 - 1962 Served in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry Robert Sumner It moved to Kinsale, Ireland in 1893 and, having been based in other parts of Ireland, returned to England in 1898. [120], The regiment's battle honours borne on the colours were as follows:[122]. [47], A Provisional Battalion had been formed in January 1916 from reinforcements intended for the 1st Ox and Bucks, joining the 28th Indian Brigade, 7th (Meerut) Division. The division was sent to Persia and Iraq Command and the battalion later fought in the final battle in the Tunisia Campaign in April 1943. The ground operation was intended to cross three bridges that had been taken by airborne troops and on into Germany. The 1st Bucks became part of 101 Beach Sub Area of No 6 Beach Group, 3rd Infantry Division and took part in the defence of Ouistreham in June. [42], The war ended on 11 November 1918 with the signing of the Armistice between the Allies and Germany. The advance continued through Ladbergen and as the unit moved towards Lengerich it was assisted by the tanks of the 4th (Armoured) Battalion, Grenadier Guards. Following the crossing the battalion captured Wietersheim and were involved in house to house fighting to secure the village of Frille. Pegasus Stories: Day by Day - A 2nd Battalion, Ox and Bucks Light It served in Ireland, Canada, America, during the War of Independence, and in India in the 3rd Mysore War. [44], The 1st Ox and Bucks, as part of the 17th (Ahmednagar) Brigade, 6th (Poona) Division, left India for Mesopotamia (now Iraq) in November 1914; there, the battalion took part in the campaign against the Ottoman forces that ruled the country. The 6th Airborne Division was formed in the Second World War, in mid-1943, and was commanded by Major-General Richard N. Gale. Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry - Wikipedia The war ended on 30 September 1918 with Bulgaria signing an Armistice with the Allies. 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion, Oxford and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry during the Second World War 1939-1945. The 6th Ox and Bucks served on the Arakan Front during the advance down the west coast of Burma in 1944/45. Richards, always known as " the Baron, " was A/Lieutenant Colonel in command of the 1st Ox and Bucks (43rd) before being evacuated from Dunkirk on 1 June 1940. The regiment was formed as a consequence of the 1881 Childers Reforms, a continuation of the Cardwell Reforms, by the amalgamation of the 43rd (Monmouthshire) Regiment of Foot (Light Infantry) and the 52nd (Oxfordshire) Regiment of Foot (Light Infantry), forming the 1st and 2nd battalions of the Oxfordshire Light Infantry on 1 July 1881. [64], The 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion, a Territorial unit of the Ox and Bucks, was converted to a Beach Group battalion in March 1943 and was to provide the infantry support for the 6th Beach Group. The 2nd Ox and Bucks captured and held all its objectives. The 6th Ox and Bucks was disbanded shortly after the end of the war, on 5 December 1945, and most of the men were either demobilised (mainly those who had been with the battalion since its creation) or transferred to the 1st Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Our Archive Enquiry Service & Family History. Telephone: 01993 810 210. On 19 March the battalion moved to Birch camp, RAF Birch, near Colchester, Essex. The soldiers poured out of their battered gliders, completely surprising the German defenders, and taking the bridges within 10 minutes, losing two men Lieutenant Den Brotheridge and Lance corporal Fred Greenhalgh in the process. [116] Bandmaster, later Major Arthur Kenney was Bandmaster of the 1st Oxford and Bucks from 1949 to 1958 and the 1st Green Jackets (43rd and 52nd) to 1960 and then took up the same post with the Royal Artillery at Plymouth and finally with the Welsh Guards; he retired from the Army in October 1969. 4th Battalion, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry in the D Company, led by Major, later Colonel John Tillett, was involved in heavy fighting at the Dortmund-Ems Canal; the company secured the position and captured more than a dozen anti-aircraft guns however sustained casualties from enemy artillery fire. [108] In February 1943, the 2nd Bucks battalion left Northern Ireland and returned to England. [101], Shortly before departing the United Kingdom the battalion was inspected by General Sir Bernard Paget, Commander-in-Chief, Home Forces, an officer who had served with the regiment before and during the Great War and whose son Lieutenant Tony Paget would later serve with the 1st Battalion of the regiment. [91], During the spring and summer of 1945, two companies of the 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion,[96] along with the 5th Battalion, King's Regiment (Liverpool), were attached to a secretive unit known as T-Force. On 26 June the battalion was ordered to occupy the village of Breville, moving back to Chateau St Come on 8 July. 7th Batt Oxford & Bucks Light Infantry - WW2 - RootsChat [17], In August 1914, the 2nd Ox and Bucks, commanded by Henry Rodolph Davies, arrived on the Western Front, as part of the 5th Infantry Brigade, 2nd Division, I Corps[18] the 2nd Division was one of the first divisions of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) to arrive in France. [46] On 26 April 1916supplies had dwindled significantly and many of the garrison's defenders were suffering from sicknessthe garrison negotiated a cease-fire with the Ottomans and on 29 April the British-Indian force of 8,000 surrendered to the Ottomans, including 400 men of the 1st Ox and Bucks. The 2nd Ox and Bucks and other battalions of the regiment also saw action at the Battle of Loos (25 September 8 October):[24] 2nd Ox and Bucks took part in the subsidiary attack at Givenchy with 263 casualties on 25 September. [67] The 1st Bucks was placed into suspended animation in June 1946 and the battalion was finally disbanded on 7 August 1946. [117] The regiment returned to Warley Barracks in Brentwood in July 1956. 26 November 1942 GPEU, RAF Netheravon Hotspur II HH284 The glider was being used to give air experience flying to Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire LI glider troops and it was released from the tow over the airfield at 500 feet. [45] 635 officers and men of the battalion fought in the battle of Ctesiphon and 304 became casualties. In mid-1943 it was transferred, along with the 1st Royal Ulster Rifles, to become part of the 6th Airlanding Brigade in 6th Airborne Division. On 2 January 1945 the battalion moved to Custinne and then to Resteigne. [5] It moved to India the following year where it was based until the outbreak of World War I in 1914. [88], The 2nd Ox and Bucks casualties included 103 killed during the battle of the landing area. The Germans counter-attacked, the 1st Ox and Bucks moved to positions around the Odon bridgehead where it suffered from heavy German artillery fire. In 1886 it was based in India, where it would remain into the 20th century. [100] In October 1940 the battalion was redesignated the 7th Battalion. First Ypres was the last major battle of 1914. The Ox and Bucks platoons holding the bridges were relieved by the 7th Battalion of the Parachute Regiment at 03:00hours. [77], The battalion took part in the British breakout and advance to the Seine which began later in August, known as Operation Paddle. [70], In February 1945 the 1st Battalion, Ox and Bucks was involved in the Allied invasion of the German Rhineland, including taking part in Operation Veritable (the Battle of the Reichswald): the five-division assault on the Reichswald Forest, where the battalion was involved in heavy fighting against German paratroopers and armour at the village of Asperberg. Welcome to SOFO We are currently performing some maintenance on our website. On 4 January, C Company, commanded by Major Johnny Granville, was involved in heavy fighting, whilst in support of 13 Parachute Battalion in the village of Bure. 2nd Ox and Bucks moved on transport from Winzlar to Heitlingen. On 15 April 1946, 6th Airlanding Brigade, which the battalion was still part of, was renumbered the 31st Independent Infantry Brigade. The Allies launched a counter-attack in early January and the German offensive was defeated later that month, by which time the 53rd (Welsh) Division had been relieved and returned to the Netherlands soon afterwards in preparation for the invasion of Germany. The battalion met fierce enemy resistance at Gross Hauslingen before continuing the advance through Dauelsen, Gyhum and Wehldorf and the 1st Ox and Bucks eventually reached the city of Hamburg captured on 3 May by British forces where they remained until the end of the war in Europe on 8 May 1945, Victory in Europe Day. The 2nd Bucks battalion was finally disbanded in July 1944. (d.24th Oct 1944) Leighton Alfred Thomas. In April 1943 the battalion moved to Scotland to commence training for its new role. [65] Sale was awarded the George Medal for his role in limiting the damage caused by a German air attack, on an ammunition dump at La Breche, near Ouistreham, on 8 June. Each company was designated a landing zone in the area of its objective. The 2nd Ox and Bucks sustained many casualties during the battle of Beaumont Hamel, including Captain Ralph Kite who within the previous 12 months, had been awarded the Military Cross and twice mentioned in despatches. Shortly after arriving in Palestine Lieutenant Colonel Mark Darell-Brown was injured in a road traffic accident and Lieutenant Colonel Henry van Straubenzee replaced him as commanding officer of the 2nd Ox and Bucks (the 52nd). 1st Green Jackets (43rd and 52nd) - Wikipedia Printed at the "Banbury Guardian" Office in 1919. In the First Battle of Ypres the 2nd Ox and Bucks first engagement with the enemy was on 20 October in an attack on the Passchendaele ridge. Following amalgamation, the regiment was re-titled the 1st Battalion The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, 43rd and 52nd. The battalion was assigned to the 184th Infantry Brigade, 61st Infantry Division. The Oxfordshires returned to England in September 1902 with the conclusion of the war,[4] and was stationed at Chatham. The battalion crossed the River Rhine in late March and, attached to 7th Armoured Division, continued its eastwards advance, seeing action at among other places, Ibbenburen in April where it saw heavy fighting against determined German Marines; although the British succeeded in capturing the town. The battalion had split into two groups with the aim of reaching Dunkirk by going through the surrounding enemy forces. [56], On 3 September 1939 two days after Germany had invaded Polandthe British Empire, France and their Allies declared war on Germany, beginning the Second World War. At the Battle of Festubert (916 May)[23] which was launched in support of the French attack south of Vimy Ridge and included the first British night action of the war the 2nd Ox and Bucks were part of the second wave of the 5th Brigade attack and, during the course of the battle, suffered just under 400 casualties: the largest number the regiment had sustained in a single battle since the Siege of Badajoz over 100 years earlier. The 1st Bucks formed part of the 6th Beach Group landing on Sword Beach on D-Day, 6 June 1944. A further two officers and 14 soldiers were wounded during the battle for the bridges. The 2nd Ox and Bucks crossed the German frontier at Malmedy on 9 December 1918. On 3 April 2 Ox and Bucks was the first Allied unit to cross the Weser during which the unit was bombarded by enemy flak artillery. The 6th Airborne Division was an airborne infantry division of the British Army during the Second World War.Despite its name, the 6th was actually the second of two airborne divisions raised by the British Army during the war, the other being the 1st Airborne Division. Following the battle of Loos few pre-1914 2nd Ox and Bucks officers remained, they had either become casualties or promoted to take up positions in other battalions.

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oxford and bucks light infantry records ww2