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[136], At breakfast, Ciel argues with Soma, asking how long he intends to stay at his house, and the latter responds by telling him that he will leave after his work is accomplished. Sebastian tells Ciel that he would not be attending using the name Phantomhive so he must use his chance properly. [89] Sebastian prepares many treats; one of them is a diligently sculptured chocolate model of an earl, and Ciel secretly steals its head. [308], Ciel is ambushed by Soma and Agni, who attempt to snatch away his egg. JNN (MBS)/YouTube. Ciel refuses to continue living humbly. Grey and Ran-Mao then team up to take down Patrick's killer under Jeremy's guidance. He decides that Sebastian must have decided to abandon him, and tries to return to London on his own. Sebastian assures him that they were unharmed when he left them. Ciel is confused when Baldroy asks him why he went out "again" in the rain. After cutting down all the corpses, Elizabeth directs her sword at Grelle, proclaiming that it is fine if she is not cute as long as she can protect Ciel. Sebastian answers in the negative, assuring him that that would be unthinkable. RELATED:Bleach: 10 Facts You Didn't Know About Renji Abarai. [189] He then goes to Sebastian and William's tent. The list comprises of those from the House of Lords, Scotland Yard, and the military who have been attending the Sphere Music Hall. Blavat, dumping the tainted water of the cup into a bucket set beside him, tells him not to look so grim and advises him to take action soon or "the end" will be upon him in no time. The servants bid their farewells, and Ciel leaves the manor in their hands. Furthermore, it immediately reminds him of that daythe day he made a contract with a contract with Sebastian. [481], After the meeting is over, Wolfram carries Sieglinde outside, and they and Ciel reunite with Sebastian. Ciel comments that in this country, the best place to look for news of a person is by going to a club or a pub (which is what Agni and Soma are doing); so, they are not up to something insidious. Outside the window, bat-like, Sebastian silently watches the entire scene. [217], Later, Ciel and the other guests dine together. [265] Grelle tells Sebastian it must be fate for them to meet again. "[568], Now as fugitives, the Phantomhive household visits the Funtom Corporation headquarters in hopes of taking refuge there. Lawrence immediately states that he is being rude. After comparing notes, Ciel decides that they will take action tonight. After a few minutes, Ciel tells Sebastian to let "them" in; he'll talk to them now. Grelle kills Angelina with her Death Scythe. Musical debut ", In 2014, Toboso said that Ciel and Sebastian only interact with each other when it is necessary, e.g. Herman uses his massive strength and scores a boundary, shocking Ciel. Ciel is hesitant when "Ciel" asks him why he made such an outrageous lie and states that he will not be angry with him. When Ronald and Grelle attack Undertaker, Sebastian intervenes. [372] Ciel thinks to himself that the difference between education and brainwashing is paper thin. Ciel says that the environment is unsettling, to which Sebastian agrees. Both Ciel and Sebastian are surprised by her appearance. "I did not return to Phantomhive for the sake of the previous head. Ciel and Sebastian then talk with Diedrich. In the forest, the household is trying to find Ciel. [266] As Grelle continues her speech, Sebastian attempts to escape with the two; however, he is forced to hold on to them as he avoids Grelle's Death Scythe. Although the other players are worried, Ciel tells them to leave it to him. Coincidentally, in, Ciel's death date of August 26, 1889 is the historical date on which Queen Victoria signed the, Ciel uses rather foul language when he criticizes people he despises. Ciel, then, passes out treats to a group of children, and recalls his own family when he sees another. Edward eventually agrees to the job in hopes of rescuing Elizabeth Midford, but adds that he cannot do it alone. [387] Ciel thinks the idea is ridiculous. Although she did not realize at first that she was making this distinction, Toboso also draws Ciel looking at his servants' faces when he talks to them; however, when he addresses Sebastian, he rarely does so as he likely "takes it for granted that Sebastian always listens to him.". Ciel realizes that Sebastian who suggesting this plan earlier really knows all about human desires. At Daunt Book Store, Ciel buys a historical novel by Arthur Conan Doyle, surprising Sebastian. Ciel then bursts into a wild fit of laughter. [330] Afterwards, Ciel explains his problem to Soma. Ciel reads the letter: the Queen tells him that she enjoyed the tea party with Sieglinde Sullivan the other day and asks him, for Charles Phipps's sake, which one of the cakes she sent home he likes most. Ciel asserts that he's sure Maurice's dirty because of his unhesitant, relaxed attitude. "[503], The ceiling is covered with an image of the stars, and Ciel thinks that it might be a magic lantern. They decide to move Georg's corpse to the cellar. Wolfram, then, makes the conjecture that Ciel became anaemic because his blood was taken from him rather than something being injected into him. And at least half of season 1. Separately, Ciel and Sebastian observe the whole scene.[344]. [421] In his sleep, Ciel has entered his inner world. He also had the components of the antidote analyzed. [23][24] His paramount goal is to exact revenge on those who harmed him and his family, and he is willing to sacrifice his soul to accomplish it. [435] Sebastian wonders if the attack's aim was purely psychological. [97], They arrive back at Ciel's townhouse late because Grelle traveled the wrong way. [360] Lawrence then gently pats Ciel on the head and tells him to leave the rest to him. [193], Ciel wakes up late, and when Sebastian tries to follow Soma's advice and fawn over him, Ciel is repulsed and orders him to stop. However, he blows too hard on the warm milk (at the speed of 50m/s). [320] Suddenly, all the students sitting at tables around them start whispering. The other attendees flock around Ciel, telling him that Sirius is a first magnitude star and that he is the only one they know who is protected by it. [434] Ciel adds that he didn't want to behave like that. [456] Ciel responds if she dies, she won't have to listen to the screams of the people she could have saved. Previous occupation Ciel orders them to immediately retreat and return to the opium den if there is no evidence of blood collection; however, if the evidence exists, they must dismantle the operation. Ciel admits that he has killed Kelvin and Joker. He asks that they wait until nightfall, as well as for Ciel's cooperation, to catch Patrick's killer. An additional connection between all the prostitutes is that they have all had had abortions at Angelina's hospital. Slightly piqued, Ciel tells Sebastian to also seek out anyone else who may have been deceived by Maurice. Ciel is initially oblivious to the fact that Agni was attempting to confess and turn himself into the police. Suddenly, Sieglinde Sullivan, a young girl in a strong man's arms, appears. "Ciel" states it's so unlike Ciel to be brought to a halt. Upon gaining the upper hand, Sebastian is about to kill Grelle with her own Death Scythe, but then William T. Spears, another Grim Reaper, intervenes. Ciel curiously opens up the closet, and a multitude of cats that Sebastian had hidden rush out, eliciting Ciel's allergic reaction. [240] Sebastian suddenly informs him that the "signal" for the Aurora Society's meeting has been givenit will definitely take place tonight. A lady hands Ciel a plate of food, and says that dessert is available as well. RELATED:Fullmetal Alchemist: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Solf J. Kimblee. To his amusement, Sebastian complains about the limited span of time Ciel gave him to make preparations. He has read books from Edgar Allen Poe and Arthur Conan Doyle, although during this period, he wasn't a famous author. Raising his Death Scythe, Undertaker announces that he has decided to make Sebastian disappear after all. [340], When the fire starts spreading, Sebastian suddenly grabs Ciel, and they both continue to observe from atop a tree. Ciel is a short, slight teenage boy with grey-tinged,[12] blue-black hair and rich peacock-blue eyes. Sebastian carries an astounded Sieglinde as they travel downwards. [304] Additionally, Nina Hopkins arrives at the manor to dress Ciel up in her new spring collection. Ciel comments that their performance was nothing like any opera or ballet he has ever seen. Although Sebastian tutored him, Ciel is unable to understand the "East Franconian dialect of Southern Germany. Later, Sebastian helps Ciel with his bath. [459] According to the plan, Snake carries Ciel disguised as Sieglinde. They all, except Doll, ask him the different reasons he decided to pursue his revenge. When it is in flames, Ciel comments that it is now a moving oven; Sebastian agrees wholeheartedly. Before he could say more, however, Tanaka was attacked from behind by an unseen assailant who then grabbed Ciel.[55]. Species Ciel says that he is always impressed with the Queen's sharp intuition and that it was a shock to discover that toxic gas was the real cause of the curse. He just calmly confirmed the facts with him. : RULES~~1) Add me on Black Butler Amino @Simplygrouch2) Go to my page and vote on. While at home, he wears a black eye-patch made from gauze while when he is outside or undercover, he wears a white patch. Sebastian says that Fred stated that, while their methods may be different, they share the goal of protecting people. 22. His Butler, Dissolution | Kuroshitsuji Wiki | Fandom [307] While they are searching, they hear the sound of a loud explosion and rush into the hall, to find Baldroy and Mey-Rin looking completely disheveled. They are suddenly attacked by Grey, who is warded off by Sebastian. [244] After hearing what it is, Ciel cringes, appalled by what he has to do. Ciel frantically tries to wake Sebastian, even noting Sebastian's blood on his hands. Sebastian then asks Ciel if he can kill Aleister; Ciel quietly responds that he understands Sebastian's feelings, but he should wait. [453] Ciel suddenly fires a shot in the air, grabs Sieglinde, and heads for the elevator. He also has an asthma attack during the Circus Arc when a bucket of water is thrown on him by Doll in the cold. [85], Sebastian and Ciel banter for a while, which distresses Azzurro greatly, and he threatens to shoot Ciel in the head. When he was stabbed on the ritual table, Ciel suddenly wakes up in bed, screaming. [488], Afterward, Blavat laughs, stating that, now, Sebastian and Ciel must be assuming that he is not human, either. [317], Later, Ciel is summoned to the headmaster's office. When Ciel concludes that that must be the reason why Sphere Music Hall was collecting blood, Othello shows him the soul retrieval list, on which the men's death day entries have been overwritten. When they arrive at the castle, Sieglinde tells Wolfram to show the servants to their quarters. [347] Elizabeth's father, Alexis Leon Midford, then announces that he hopes to see another "Miracle of the Sapphires." [267] Sebastian asks Grelle to let them pass; if she refuses, he will be compelled to use force. [187], Later, Ciel sees a chance to investigate, but Sebastian is told to perform in the place of Wendy, so Ciel decides to investigate on his own. Lawrence, however, understands that his technique will not work against his friend and fellow PrefectHerman. [558] After Undertaker and Othello taunt each other, Othello tosses his Death Scythe, but to no effect since he is physically weak, to the astonishment of Ciel, Sebastian, and Grell and to the amusement of Undertaker. Nevertheless, Ciel reassures him that everything will be all right. When it is time to inspect Sebastian's body, Ciel staggers, claiming that seeing his butler's corpse so many times has a negative effect on him. Therefore, Lau concludes that this case is in Ciel's jurisdiction. In the second season, Ciel's height is 158cm (5'2"). [121], One month after Angelina's the death, Ciel dreams of the incident that happened during a stormy night, where it took away all his hopes and dreams. Sebastian explains why he thinks that destroying the music hall and its "charismatic celebrities," the S4 and Blavat, will work in their disfavor. [53], Over the years, Ciel's condition improved and he could join his family outside more often. [229], To the bewildered Arthur, Sebastian reveals that he is a demon and forces Arthur to never tell. Soma backs Ciel up, and orders Agni to not cause trouble for his friends or turn himself in. [305], Elizabeth is left dumbfounded at this response. [382] Several names come up, but none of them have anything in common. [76] Sebastian reminds him that he cannot afford to turn Elizabeth down coldly since she is the daughter of the Midford family and his future wife. [578], During their meeting, Ciel, Sebastian, and Lau determine that they must immediately leave the opium den in the Limehouse Districtas well as London in generalsince Arthur is aware of the ties between Ciel and Lau; and that the most discreet method of escape would be via boat on the River Thames, after which they would travel by train.[579]. The first born of identical twins yet somehow they weren't identical. Ciel then faces Joanne Harcourt. Mey-Rin deduces that Ciel also recalls his off-the-charts behavior. Sebastian informs Ciel that the guests have come, and Ciel notices that a storm is brewing. As they start running, Ciel exclaims that he can't believe the Germans have such advanced weaponry. [536], When Ciel asks them if they have an idea where Blavat went, Edgar recalls that Blavat talked about a second music hall being built, and Lawrence declares that it is in Bath. Lawrence suddenly comes in, and Professor Michaelis kindly asks him if he can help him with something. [130] He takes information on the Anglo-Indian assaults from them in order to review the case. Instead, Tanaka comes, taking on Sebastian's position as the head butler. Sebastian then informs him that Tanaka has called and said that Elizabeth Midford is currently at Phantomhive Manor and she refuses to go home before seeing Ciel. [222], Just then, the Phantomhive servants haul in the "thirteenth person," but Ciel quickly recognizes him as Jeremy Rathbone. He also states that, taking into account the fact that Bizarre Dolls require copious amounts of blood in order to function, "Ciel" must require the same, but, with Sphere Music Hall forcibly shut down, "Ciel" must have arranged for alternative sources to obtain blood. Ciel demands that she returns it, and his fierceness makes her cry. However, when she rises again, he states that she is a being he does not understand.[249]. [408] Finnian is holding his hand, and Snake is by his bedside. Vincent Phantomhive (father)Rachel Phantomhive (mother)"Ciel Phantomhive" (twin brother)Francis Midford (aunt)Alexis Leon Midford (uncle, legal guardian)[5]Edward Midford (cousin)Elizabeth Midford (cousin, fiance)Angelina Dalles (aunt)Burnett (uncle)Unborn cousin Cloudia Phantomhive (grandmother)[6]Cedric K. Ros- (grandfather)[7] Ciel manages to catch the falling egg in the commotion and hangs on tightly to the chandelier. The lady plays the harp, while the Starlight Four sing "Starlight Shower," the lyrics and music of which composed by Blavat. Alarmed, Elizabeth is about to insist that she will accompany him when Sebastian quickly knocks her out. Unexpectedly, Aleister Chamber also appears before them. In fact, when Vincent says "introduce . It isn't once you dig deeper into the story, and neither is the young master of the story. Although he questions how they have recognized him, he soon realizes that they are members of the Aurora Society after they do the Phoenix pose. When he was kidnapped for that month he was raped/ defiled. Sebastian swiftly dresses Ciel. [117], Outside, in the graveyard, Lau asks if Ciel told the Queen of Jack the Ripper's true identity, which Ciel responds that he found that to be unnecessary, as the Jack the Ripper killings had been stopped. Ciel asserts that Funtom Corporation is in the entertainment business; it encompasses confectionery, toys, restaurants, and cafes, and, so, operating a theatre is natural. Ciel says that the solution to Sphere Music Hall was, simply, to give the attendees an alternative, and Sebastian says that establishing an imitation across the street from the original is "terribly cheeky and wicked" of Ciel. They were both dressed and brought into a cathedral occupied by a cult. Sebastian then comments on the photo, noting that the hallmark on the man's signet ring is the same on Beast's prosthetic leg. Ciel asks him what a "Y" is and McMillan explains to him how the penalties (Y's) work and about the prefects. At the same time, Sieglinde's horror continues to grow. We're going to tell you ten facts you didn't know about the young master and Queen's Guarddog, Ciel Phantomhive. Nevertheless, Elizabeth quickly silences them all with her presence. [390] Annoyed, he tells Sebastian all of his studying was a waste of time. Ciel suddenly starts screaming about the lights being too dim. [475] Ciel adds that it was extremely irresponsible of Wolfram to leave Sieglinde with complete strangers. He tells the three of them to hurry up and runthis forest has more dangers than these "villagers." In past chapters, we see him enjoying horseback riding through the forest along with the other servants and shooting at targets. [302] Ciel silently gazes at him; then, looking at the lockets, he wonders aloud about Undertaker's motives. [501], Later, at Ciel's townhouse, Sebastian tells Ciel that closed meetings for those with different bracelets are held on different days of the week at the Sphere Music Hall. Although the P4 protest that the headmaster had nothing to do with it, the headmaster suddenly speaks. Afterward, Ciel asks Sebastian why he revealed his true form. Ciel proclaims that, to avoid the chances of running into Scotland Yard and further damaging his reputation, as well as the chances of "Ciel" and Undertaking escaping, he will first root out and eliminate "Ciel"'s lifelines before confronting "Ciel" himself. [70] As the day progresses, Sebastian's meritorious skills as a fighter and servant are highlighted. He warns William to stop making them seem suspicious to the rest of the circus. He instructs him to clean up while he heads to the Scarlet Fox dormitory to investigate. :( But I mention this cause I think it's quite explicit when . [64], Sebastian asserted that he did not recruit Baldroy on the basis of his culinary skills; rather, the Phantomhive Manor was in need of another senior staff to manage the other servants. [562] Alexis demands explanations, and "Ciel" agrees to provide them, but Ciel is reluctant. [123] Soon after, the Midfords arrive in the morning, instead of in the afternoon as planned, which Ciel expected. Gregory proceeds to hand Ciel piles of special treats, saying that everyone receives them. As the game progresses, Ciel notes what a good cricket player Soma is. [29], Moreover, Ciel is accustomed to luxury. Doll vows to not forgive him and attempts to stab him. He angrily grabs her dress and rips it, yelling that if she dies, she will never be able to wear the clothes she loves so much ever againit is all over when she dies. Professor Michaelis shocks all the students by bringing Soma's elephant to help put out the fire. [174], In response to a letter from Queen Victoria concerning the disappearances of children and their coincidence with the presence of Noah's Ark Circus, Ciel and Sebastian Michaelis go to London to investigate. Undertaker laughingly asks Ciel if he is enjoying his first time in group life. Ciel acknowledges that he knew his technique would not work against him. Ciel decides that to wake them up, he must have decisive proof of the crimes, and tells Sebastian to follow him, determined to expose the music hall's "foul scheme. Toboso calls him "Ciel" or "the one with the eyepatch." Ciel shakes, certain that he has seen "Ciel" die with his own eyes. The next day, Clayton talks to Ciel about the cricket tournament. Gender [484], Abruptly, an agitated Edward Midford rushes in, shouting Ciel's name. [108] They hear a scream from the prostitute's house, although they did not see anyone enter. He presses his forehead against hers as red flower petals drift through the chapel at this time, much to the guests' surprise. Ciel comments in spite of his mental immaturity, Soma is quite capable in almost every area. [254], Ciel tells Elizabeth and Snake to run. The butler shows them a list of names that fits their descriptions,[98] and they discover that the only person who suits their criteria is the Viscount of Druitt, Aleister Chamber. At the mansion, Sebastian and Ciel find the servants occupied with some loose sheep. Several boys stand near Ciel as Ciel converse with Maurice. Sebastian has Ciel light everyone's lanterns, which the latter does via a candle. [323] He plans to use Lawrence's fag to get closer to the P4. Freckles comments on his fancy upper-class English and offers him Funtom Corporation sweets. [396] However, Sieglinde tells her butler Wolfram Gelzer to ask them to come to the Emerald Castle. Sebastian informs him that Francis and Elizabeth Midford are visiting this afternoon, and Ciel gets anxious over this, ordering Sebastian to quickly make preparations. Continuing from the second fact, Ciel lost complete hope in God coming to save him and embraced the intense hatred for the people of the cult. For example, when Ciel addresses, A notable exception is Joker. Ciel and Sieglinde then sit down to dinner. When Ciel orders Sebastian to collect the bodies and get someone to look at them, Sebastian asks Ciel who he wants to perform the autopsies, thereby reminding Ciel of Undertaker. The prostitute Sebastian and Ciel have been guarding is the last name on the list, but they have failed to save her. He then notices that the Queen left a note for him in his pocket, which Sebastian comments he saw the Queen's servant put in when they were standing side by side silently. The officers demand to see Lau and Ran-Mao's cargo, as part of their London-wide investigation for Ciel. Base of operations [39] Despite his weak constitution, he is a competent shooter; he always carries a gun to defend himself, and he keeps one under his pillow when he sleeps. They then discuss business and commence introductions. Unexpectedly, the werewolf appears and runs off. Ciel tells them they will be leaving the mansion in their capable hands. [264] Sebastian helps down Elizabeth and Ciel asks him about his aunt. Ciel reprimands Soma to stop crying and act his age. Black Butler II is a 2010 anime series set in Victorian London in which a 12-year-old orphan named Ciel Phantomhive ignores all dangers and searches for his parents' killers with the help of a demonic butler named Sebastian.The series stars Jessica Cavanagh, Daniel Fredrick, Chris Ayres and Todd Haberkorn in lead roles. [533], At his townhouse, Ciel informs a shocked Soma and Sieglinde that he is putting the Phantom Five on a hiatus, for a number of reasons: First, the frontman, Edward, was dragged off by his mother mid-performance; second, the Phantom Five consists mostly of students who have their own responsibilities; third, Ciel has achieved what he wanted with the Phantom Five. Ciel had never seen either one of his parents cooking until the day his father tried to make his mother feel better by preparing some of his favorite dishes. Professor Michaelis replies that he will be happy to help him with the details. [374] He orders Sebastian to capture him, but Vice headmaster Johann Agares comes to Undertaker's defense. Interest piqued, she sent investigators to look into the event, but they, when questioned by Charles Grey and Charles Phipps, confessed that they have found nothing. [386] Ciel then calls Chlaus over to discuss his travels in Germany. Hurriedly, McMillan tells Ciel that the dormitories have really intense rivalries. He suggests against reading Edgar Allan Poe's works before nighttime but Ciel brushes it off, saying he will do as he pleases. Characteristics He announces that he will be fighting from here on out. [182] Inside, Joker announces the room assignments; Sebastian is partnered with William, while Ciel is partnered with Freckles. Nevertheless, Elizabeth is overjoyed that he decided to "surprise" them and come on the trip. [71], Afterward, Chlaus arrives, and Ciel asks for his usual goods. [21], Ciel is a proud, shrewd boy whom Sebastian Michaelis commends for his "presence of mind" and "keen intuition. Ciel then says he cannot let Sebastian stay like thiswhen they get back, Sebastian must have a thorough rest because he did well today. [436], Ciel knows this request won't be easy to accomplish. Soma says that if he had never encountered Ciel, he would have stayed selfish and ignorant. During the boat parade, Ciel looks at the smiling Queen and thinks he will definitely present the truth to her. HE HAS TROUBLE TELLING DISTANCES PROPERLY, HE SUMMONED SEBASTIAN WHILE HE WAS CAPTURED, JoJo: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Giorno Giovanna, Fullmetal Alchemist: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Solf J. Kimblee, Bleach: 10 Facts You Didn't Know About Renji Abarai, Fullmetal Alchemist: 10 Vital Facts You Didn't Know About Winry Rockbell. The manga doesn't show specifics but the implication is very clear. [107], Later, Ciel is disguised a pauper boy. Ciel takes off his eyepatch and orders Sebastian to capture the culprits. "[22] A chess prodigy, he often navigates challenging situations by visualizing making chess moves, with Sebastian as his pawn. He asks Ciel to cooperate, but Ciel states that he refuses to conspire with a filthy "sewer rat." He tells them that Undertaker came to visit him and then left for France. Edgar, Lawrence, Herman, and Gregory welcome him to the "elegant, traditional, high class, and bizarre Midnight Tea Party." Ciel Phantomhive's soul? - ! [465], Ciel suddenly sees two, German Grim Reapers. She ends the letter with a question asking Ciel for his thoughts on the subject. Volume 1, Chapter 1 When Joker admits that he is wrong for kidnapping the children for Kelvin, Ciel says that he is not wrong because he has fought for his own future. [177][178], Back at the London townhouse, Ciel is irritated that Sebastian has signed him up for an entrance test to qualify for the circus. I wish I could just watch the first half or so, but even then they just had. [385] It is revealed in a flashback that one week ago, the Queen requested for him to investigate certain mysterious deaths that occurred in southern Germany. He uses "that" strategy (Lau's girls) to distract Team Green's boys. Edward comments that the performance was full of "passion and punch," and Ciel agrees. [438], Sebastian and Ciel then visit Sieglinde. Ciel reminds her to consider everyone, including him, as an adversary who is trying to use her, and he encourages her to use everyone else in order to obtain the future she desires. Sebastian then identifies the owner of the hallmark as Baron Kelvin. [486], Edward and Ciel simultaneously state that the meeting is held at the Sphere Music Hall. As a final word, Sebastian instructed Baldroy to use the back staircase for servants the next time he goes upstairs, as letting guests see a servant running about was unacceptable. [419] Sieglinde says something about a ritual and leaves with Wolfram. They return the documents, with Sebastian stating he has already memorized them, and they depart. Othello reveals that the men there were all suffering from renal failure; the machines were used to replaced the men's thickened blood with fresh blood, and, as a result, their lifespans were considerably extended. Sebastian does, and then, starts destroying the dolls. He is shocked to see the egg perched on a chandelier and wonders how she managed to get it up there.

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why is ciel phantomhive unclean