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e1b1a dna testcuanto cuesta una rinoplastia en colombia

Y-DNA lineages E-V12 and E-V22 have been associated with a Levantine source . Este projeto foi criado para estudar a propagao e distribuio de haplogrupo E1b1a(E-V38) e subgrupos em todo o mundo. e. 25,000 genes may produce up to 100,00. The E1b1b haplogroup has been busy getting around for a long time! What is the total mass of DNA in the average 65kg human body? It was not possible to test for affinity in the Natufians to early North African populations using present-day North Africans as a reference because present-day North Africans owe most of . 2017 DNA study. What is the approximate size (total bases and number of genes) of the S. cerevisiae genome? Anger? People also need to understand that the Jews are only a small portion of the Israelites who descend from Jacobs son Judah. How many molecules of glucose would an E. coli cell need to consume to. E. 7000. Because we recognized the threat of Fake news quite early in the game, we established NewsRescue since 2007 to be at the forefront in filtering the news to give you only the essential and important real stories. How many genes does it code for? Janet Crain At the 25 marker level, there are two others, one is at 1 step and the other 2 steps. List the 6 major areas where genetic engineering is being used in today's world. What is the average number of DNA relatives for a 23andMe customer? How many combinations of human DNA are there? E1b1a has developed numerous sub-clades that are found throughout Africa today. Thats what a poster named beyoku from biodiversity forum said. Jayne has been in the field of genetic genealogy since its beginnings as part of the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation. Current analysis indicates that less than 2% of the human genome codes for proteins. This is reflective of people arriving in the settlement who were forcibly gathered from many diverse locations in Africa, and then embarked from a multitude of different ports along the west coast of Africa. a. Explain. How many base pairs make up the human genome? Richard Henry has proof that the descendants of the black slaves who left West Africa are the descendants of the Biblical Israelites. Sign Me Up for the Free YDNA Mini-Course. 2002 ). Please order Y-DNA67 or greater and test with Big Y. Anthony Emanuel, birth 1832, p. Florida/ Carolina, - , Sandy McNair, 1855-abt 1929 Carthage N.C, USA, Patterson, b Saint Andrew Parish, Jamaica, Alexander Thomas Logan b.11-2-1811 Amherst Co. VA, Essex Johnson, Chicasaw/Creek Freedman, b. Please hard reload the page to clear the cache if you are experiencing problems. They have E1B1A among their males at a high percentage. Where is the location of genetic material (DNA) in the bacterial species? Who discovered that DNA has a double-helical structure? Take the YDNA test from Family Tree DNA. This phylogenetic tree of haplogroup subclades is based on the Y-Chromosome Consortium (YCC) 2008 Tree,[15] the ISOGG Y-DNA Haplogroup E Tree,[4] and subsequent published research. Press Release Distribution, Free E-M35 was discovered before E-M215, and almost all people with the E-M215 mutation also have the E-M35 mutation. Customers will receive an email when they are ready. There is always new technology to aid in this process. The total DNA in one cell is called the genome The human genome has approximately 32 billion base pairs. And there was also spread of E-M215 westward along land and possibly maritime routes into Europe, representing the last major migration of ancient Africans into Europe. So both results can be indicative of your personal history, but just at different time periods. Africa once had a third great River besides the Nile and iger Rivers which was infact connected straight to the iger River through Lake Chad, one of Africas great lakes along with Lake Victoria. [22] -Wikipedia. Later, a group of citizen scientists with an interest in population genetics and genetic genealogy formed a working group to create an amateur tree aiming at being above all timely. Haplogroup L can be considered to be the mt-DNA equivalent of-DNA haplogroup E1B1A in that it is of Sub-Saharan African origins. a. The Mini-Course is an excerpt from our YDNA for Genealogy Course, which takes you deeper into understanding Y-haplogroups and using them in genealogy research (as well as other topics such as YDNA matching, surname project participation, and when to use Big Y). E1b1a - V38 - DNA Results | FamilyTreeDNA Save on Our Family Finder, Y-DNA, mtDNA, and Bundled Testing Services During Our DNA Day Sale! What is the oldest DNA of any kind ever found? a. have sequences representing thousands of genes. What are Ancestry DNA Genetic Communities? It should be noted, however, that the E1b1a haplogroup originated about 40000 years ago in the Horn of Africa. Need Big Y testing), E-P252/U174, CTS1313/PF7223 (Geno 2.0 tested), Blakely Shoemake, b.abt 1791 and d. bef 1860, E-P252/U174, CTS3822/M4673 (Geno 2.0 tested)(Untested for M4669, CTS5299, CTS2754/Z1641, or Z5962), Armstead Searcy Carter, b.1864 Talbot Co. GA, USA, E-P252/U174, CTS3822/M4673, and CTS553/Z1644 (Geno 2.0 tested), E-P252/U174, CTS4051/M4653 (Big Y Tested), E-P252/U174, CTS4938/M4665/V3236, CTS8030/Z1704 and CTS9106-, CTS261-, Z5978-, Z5982?, CTS9806- (Geno 2.0/Big Y tested), E-P252/U174, CTS553/Z1644 (Geno 2.0 tested. I want to get the word out so that people will know the truth, says Henry. It is also known as E-M2 and Ev38 and may have diverged from E1b1b around the area known as the Horn of Africa. haplogroups in green are confirmed by SNP testing . As the EBSP shows a clearer genetic legacy in the paternally inherited genetic system compared with mtDNA (evident from high and similar frequencies of E1b1a) in sub-Saharan Africa, 32 it is . With violence? There is a ton of evidence in the Bible that many of the ancient Israelites traveled to the African continent and lived there, says Richard. . This means those born outside of North Africa who possess this sub haplogroup likely have ancient origins to that region. E1B1A: Understanding Hebrew Israelite DNA Biblical Hebrew Awakening 19.8K subscribers Subscribe 1.3K 60K views 3 years ago A discussion on understanding Hebrew DNA with Zion Selah from Assembly. The most frequent E1b1a-M2 subclade is E1b1a-U174, which is observed at a frequency as high as 21% in our Dominican sample. Our free monthly newsletter delivers more great articles right to you. What percentage of human DNA is shared with other things? a. Should you take a DNA test with African Ancestry or one of the other major companies? countries and lineages within the continent. Services, Fine V38 joins the West African-affiliated E-M2 and the Northeast African-affiliated E-M329 with an earlier common ancestor who, like E-P2, may have also originated in East Africa. Finally theres 1 different name at the 12 marker level, Ive manage to build out his tree and have also found Robinsons there, but cant connect. This led the authors to suggest that E-V38 may have originated in East Africa. How many DNA molecules are present in a human cell's nucleus? Tell me something unique to mitochondrial DNA testing. Approximately what percent of these base pairs actually code for genes? Comme nous nous identifions plus haplotypes, nous allons amliorer notre connaissance des vnements gnalogiques et de l'emplacement o votre anctre est originaire de l'Afrique. coli'' chromosome? Haplogroup E1b1a is an ancient brother to E1b1b, but has left a completely different fingerprint on the world today. Original in Istanbul Library The E1b1b1a lineage is identified by the presence of a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mutation on the Y chromosome, which . 1694 and d. 1762, Predicted E-CTS5078/M4706+ (Test with Big Y), Ralph Dockery, b: 1820, Stanley/Montgomery Co., NC, Burrell Parks, b. List several products that were produced via recombinant DNA technology. A human has 10^{11} cells and each human cell has about 6 x 10^9 nucleotide pairs of DNA. B) 9. Haplogroup E-V38, also known as E1b1a-V38, is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. 1824, E-U290, CTS99/Z1725, CTS6613, M3912/Z5953, and Y18361(8432483) (Big Y tested), E-U290, FGC60879, L651, FGC60928, L649, L650, Y975, ZS772 (Geno 2.0/Big Y/FGC 2.1 tested). (2021) indicates that Ramesses III and Unknown Man E, possibly Pentawere, carried haplogroup E1b1a. Ancient migrations into the Middle East and Mediterranean mean that small frequencies of this haplogroup can be found in these regions. So, please, subscribe to keep current. It traces back to Africa from where it expanded throughout the continent and also throughout Europe and the Near East through ancient migration. 1750, lived York, PA, E1b1a1a1a2a1a3a1 (CTS9954+)(Test wth Big Y), E1b1a1a1a2a1a3b1a (U290+)(Test with Big Y), E1b1a1a1a2a1a3b1a2* (CTS99/Z1725+ and U181-)(Test with Big Y), William Elisha Burgess b. a. And what does a majority of the genome do? Johann Mattheus Jung, b. C) 98. & Beverage, Green require an Email Key (free) to send this message. Id love a nudge in the right direction! Famous E1b1a individuals Zahi Hawass et al. This month, December 2012, a DNA test was released revealing apocalyptic revelations for Ramesses III that he belongs to the E1b1b Y-DNA haplogroup. The Ashkenazi Jews are not the descendants of Abraham unless they have the paternal haplogroup E1B1A, which they hardly ever have. (Geno 2.0 tested), E-U209, CTS2504/M3993/Z1717, CTS3603, CTS11328/M3870/Z1789, CTS3243/M3667/V2580/Z1781 and CTS8026/M3850-, CTS10652/M3854/Z1769- (Big Y tested), E-U209, CTS2504/M3993/Z1717, CTS3603, CTS11328/M3870/Z1789, Z1721?, CTS8026/M3850, CTS10652/M3854/Z1769, CTS8027/M3851 (Big Y tested)(Unchecked for "2" clade), John Bunch, b.c. The genetic heritage of Africa is unfathomably deep and fascinating to explore. Why do you think this is the case? Currently, Jewish authorities do not accept DNA testing to prove Jewishness. It seems like this field is still always evolving, which makes me want to learn even more. Sequencing the genomes present in a biofilm is known as A. mitochondrial genomics B. metagenomics C. pharmacogenomics D. toxicogenomics. Compose your email to Richard Alan Henry at Richard Henry. There are high concentrations of this haplogroup in Kosovo and other Baltic nations as well as Greece and the Southern regions of Italy. The maternal haplogroups L2 and L3 are the same haplogroups that the wives of Jacobs twelve sons had. . Customers receive a full sequence for the Y-chromosome, mtDNA, X-chromosome, and all autosomes at a lower price point than other sequencing tests that just provide Y-chromosome alone. The following research teams per their publications were represented in the creation of the YCC tree. The Africans went to the Americas on ships also known as the Middle Passage, says Henry. What are they? E1b1a is often referred to by the SNP name E-M2 rather than E-V38, even though E-M2 defines its major subbranch. I hope that clears things up! In other words, the frequency of the haplogroup decreases as one moves from western and southern Africa toward the eastern and northern parts of Africa.[12]. Is it ancient Tamil language from Pandiya kingdom coexisted in Indian Peninsula. Unfortunately we are not language experts we speak the language of DNA! Who are the two scientists credited with discovering DNA? What are the two major organellar genomes? Also anyone who dares deny Ramesses III having E1b1a should note that E1b1a is found in Sudan at 20% Also presence of severe sickle cell found in the mummies would strongly suggest its (E1b1as, that is) presence is not a result of more recent events. 97% c. 79% d. 64%, What type of DNA sequence has been used to trace human ancestry back to a very early human-like female? Atlas of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, Wikimedia Commons image provided by KuroNekoNiyah, used under CC BY-SA 4.0, no changes made. The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade also brought E-M2 to the Americas beginning 400 years ago. E1B1A comes in many forms such as E1B1A1 or E1B1A8. Administrators are: Aaron Brown - Whats the best DNA test to obtain your Y-chromosomal haplotype? This is not the case. For the remaining 65% of African Americans who find an African origin for their Y-chromosomal lineage, the most common haplogroup discovered is E-M2. What is the length of the double helix that could be formed from this amount of DNA in a human individual? Below is the English DNA Evidence On Egyptian Pharaohs: Ramses III A Sub-Saharan African Black,, RE: JNI Release Dr. Mohammed Yunus. Let Us Be Circumspect, Heaviest Blow To Hezbollah in Years: Commander Shot Dead in Beirut, Africa must save the world from homosxuality Ugandan president, VIRAL VIDEO: Man shouting Tinubu cant be sworn in disrupts flight in Abuja, Germany mulls ban on chip-making materials to China Report, First Chinese world chess champion crowned, Pro-Taiwan candidate wins Paraguay election, Suspected drone hits oil terminal in Sevastopol governor, Secret $1.6 billion submarine plans found in pub toilet media, ChatGPT may have better bedside manner than some doctors, but it lacks some expertise, German intelligence labels AfDs youth wing extremist. Hi Gage, YDNA goes much much deeper than our ethnicity results. Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library, Pedigree Analysis in Human Genetics: Inheritance Patterns. About how much of the 3 billion nucleotides of DNA that humans possess are used to code for proteins? How is PCR used to determine human genetics and identify polymorphisms in DNA? . How many genes are controlled by super-enhancers compared to the total number of genes expressed in these cells? The color coding of STR marker names is explained The frequency with which two genetic markers are cotransformed: (a) Never occurs (b) Can be analyzed for nucleotide sequence (c) Can be used to estimate genetic distances (d) Would demonstrate how competent each cell is (e) Can be used to determine t. The exact date that DNA's structure was discovered was _________. African Ancestry provides further interpretation to inform clients of the names of specific ethnic groups and lineages to which the Y-haplogroup is likely to be related. Which of the following types of DNA are used to track ancient human migrations? All rights reserved. May 1847, d. Dec. 10, 1929. If you have questions about more advanced testing, please contact our project administrators. 1 trillion c. 10 billion d. 75 billion. 48% C. 19% D. 1.5% E. 0.1%. We have 1 Y67 match 1 step away, hes a known cousin, 2C3R to my nephew (the BigY test taker). E-M2 also moved anciently into the Middle East and Mediterranean island groups, seen today in low frequencies in some of these communities around 1-2% occurrence. A human has 10^{14} cells and each human cell has about 6.4\times 10^{9} nucleotide pairs of DNA. Around how many genes do humans have in our genome? by clicking on the small grey "follow" button on the right side of the page. Okay? Why or why not? In Nigeria, there are a group of Igbo Jews who practice Judaism and have E1B1A in abundance in their DNA. 85% c. 75% d. 98.5%. Explore its deep origins, variant names (E-M2, E-M215, and E-V58), global spread to Europe and the Americas, and and consider the best YDNA test for African origins. You may want to read this article, What is a Haplogroup?. San Jos de los Naturales 2. A. E1B1A must be the standard for determining whether or not a male is a descendant of the Biblical Israelites. Services, 50 Crucial Statistics for Marketing Agencies and For genealogy within the most recent fifteen generations, STR markers help define (2007), such population movements changed the pre-existing population Y chromosomal diversity in Central, Southern, and Southeastern Africa, replacing the previous haplogroup frequencies in these areas with the now dominant E1b1a1 lineages. In West Central Africa where most of the slave ships embarked from modern day populations can range from 70-97% in terms of the E-M2 Y-DNA. What percentage of DNA in humans are introns? * This website contains affiliate links. What are their respective presumed origins and how does their genetic transmission differ from nuclear genes? Do you think there are enough genes to make all of the antibodies that recognize all of the pathogens we may encounter in our lifetimes? For the latest arrangement of the SNP markers for Haplogroup E1b1a, please see the ISOGG Haplogroup Etree below. Topix. Around 35% of African Americans who test their Y-chromosome DNA will find it to be of European origin rather than African. Humans carry a variety of non-functional genetic sequences, called processed pseudogenes, in their DNA. It is a 100% black-owned business who does not provide autosomal testing but can help you determine your Y-DNA and mitochondrial DNA haplogroups. Makwasinyi 17402 . E1b1b can also be referred to by another SNP, called E-M35, which defines its major subbranch. 9. c. 10. d. 15. & Broadcasting, Medical What if my ancestry DNA test says I'm Balkan? Those who test positive for these haplogroups are also Israelites on the maternal side. This is not to say that all modern day African Americans who descend from slaves have this haplogroup because one alarming aspect of slavery has changed that. A) 1511 B) 1882 C) 1606 D) 1678. Today E-M2 is the most common and diversified haplogroup in West Africa (70-97%), and also has moderate prominence in Central Africa, the African Great Lakes region and South Africa (20-60%)., (Big Y Tested) (Untested for CTS8030/Z1704? Need Big Y testing), Miles Lindsey - 1840 est., Chester, SC 29706, E-P252/U174 (Geno 2+ tested. Current day concentrations of people in haplogroup E1b1b, E-M215 mutation. a. O objetivo principal do Projeto E1b1a Haplogrupo a investigao da filogenia deste subclado de Haplogrupo E. Ns encorajamos todos os membros para testar suas mais profundas SNPs relevantes comBig Ypara a identificao de maior hapltipo. Estate, Video Haplogroup J originated in Eurasia and did not come from Abraham, Isaac or Jacob. The take-away is that E1b1b, E-M215 and E-M35 are often used to loosely refer to the same Y-haplogroup subbranch. Could this haplogroup still have come with some of the original inhabitants of Britain? We should first start by briefly explaining that Y-DNA is passed from father to son largely unchanged over multiple generations. See their coverage of different countries and lineages within the continent. email key is not valid! Brown d. South Carolina North Carolina, Owen Handy (1865-1915), Nashville, Tennesse, E1b1a1a1a1c1a1a3a1* (CTS8030/Z1704+ and P9.2-, P115-, and P116-)(Test wth Big Y), E1b1a1a1a1c1a1a3a1a (CTS9106/M4451)(Test with Big Y), E1b1a1a1a1c1a1a3a1a1 (P116+)(Test with Big Y), John (Wilkinson) Martin, Coweta GA usa1913 - 1976, E1b1a1a1a1c1b (L515+, L516+, L517+, M263.2+, Z1893+ and CTS3393/Z1894-)(Test with Big Y), Squire Washington Graham; gedmatch #T963393, Stew, E1b1a1a1a2 (CTS229/M5225+)(Test with Big Y), Theodore Barber, living Circa 1800 Essex, NY, Albert Bowser, b. in 1860, Lunenburg Cty, VA, James Anderson, b. ca. If you are considering Y-chromosome testing with an eye specific to African heritage, consider the company African Ancestry, which hosts the largest database of African Y-chromosomal and mtDNA lineages, and is 100% Black-owned. classic format. The 20th Dynasty of Egypt (1189-1077 BCE) started with Setnakhte and counted nine kings named Ramesses, from III to XI. That could build your understanding of the results you are seeing and some ideas on where to go next! 1793, South Carolina; d.10 Feb 1, John Bunch, acqrd 450 acres New Kent Co, VA 1662, John Bunch, born about 1630, New Kent, VA, James Sr, Harrison, 1750-1830 Sumner Co, TN, Fuel Goins, b c1828 VA, d c1864 Patrick Co VA, E-U209, CTS3603/M3906, CTS11328/M3870/Z1789, CTS3243/M3667/V2580/Z1781 and CTS8026/M3850-, CTS8027/M3851-, CTS10652/M3854-(Big Y tested), E-U209, CTS6620/M4246, FGC24065, FGC24078 (Geno 2.0 and Big Y tested)(The Gambia), Lewis Hood, born about 1790; died after 1860, Young Beauregard Johnson b. The reality is that the Bantu expansion was the scattering of the Israelites on the African continent. This map was created by the Dutch cartographer Johannes Janssonius in the 17th century and it is something that the media will not speak about. Furthermore, even if it was accepted, it would be very difficult to prove, since mt-DNA mutates at much slower rate than Y-DNA. It was however the slave trade that began 400 years ago that really spread the E-M2 or E1a1a haplogroup. A simple Wikipedia search of E1B1A and other sources will show you the different manifestations that E1B1A takes, claims Richard. How many different types of histones are found in the nucleosome that packages nuclear DNA? What is "junk DNA," and about how much of the human genome does it comprise? [2] E-M329 is also frequent in Southwestern Ethiopia, especially among Omotic-speaking populations.[13][14]. In more recent centuries the Trans-Atlantic slave trade has brought the E haplogroup and its sub-clads to the Americas and around the world. Israel is in Africa. Specific subbranches of E-M2 and other completely different haplogroups of African origin are found in the Americas that can be traced to the same era of forced migration. Many of those taken as part of the slave trade in the Americas can from Western African regions. As already mentioned 35% of African American males who have tested have found that their Y-DNA showed European origins. a) 5 ; 0 b) 5 ; 5 c) 1 ; 1 d) 2 ; 2 e) 0; 5. A study in 2020 of a small establishment called Palenque near Cartegena, Colombia found four different deeply divergent African Y-chromosome lineages among the small population of current-day descendants of the slave trade. It uses the I love learning about haplogroups and the many mutations they go through as people move and change. I finally took the plunge and had a male relative tested for our paternal line, the BigY at Family Tree DNA! Untested for Z37452, Z37456, Z37515, Z37520)(Esan Nigerian), E-P252/U174, CTS923, M4669+?, CTS8030/Z1704, CTS9806/M4660/Z1703, CTS9756/M4656/Z1647 & F1094. Previous studies of these remains showed the presence of severe anemia, while histological preparations of mummified tissues revealed hemolytic disorders. Marin et. If you have recently taken a Y-DNA test to determine your haplogroups you likely have some questions regarding your results. Explore its deep origins, variant names (E-M2, E-M215, and E-V58), global spread to Europe and the Americas, and and consider the best YDNA test for African origins. I had been in contact with the one at 2 steps, 2 years ago, long before my nephew took the YDNA test and were working together to figure out our connection. How much information does the human DNA store? Se voc tiver dvidas sobre testes mais avanados, entre em contato com os administradores de nosso projeto. The table below brings together all of these works at the point of the landmark 2002 YCC Tree. d. All of the above. The answer is none of the above. The MW of 1-bp dsDNA = 660 g/mole. Dec. 4, 2013 A 2012 study done on the mummified remains of Ramesses III and his son determined that both y-chromosomes belonged to Haplogroup E1b1a (Y-DNA). If your mother is also of African descent then testing your mitochondrial DNA which you would have received only from her would get the best results. The total prevalence of E-M2 among males in countries in the Americas varies widely, but likely indicates paternal ancestry traced to the the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.. E) 97,982. For about 35% of African Americans who perform Y-chromosome testing, they find that their Y-chromosome is of European origin. What is the probability of observing the six-nucleotide sequence TAGTTA from a random point in the human genome? Why is this is the case? How much DNA is inside of a cell? Common Asian and Pacific Islander Surnames, Common American Indian/Alaskan Native Surnames. 1. (Y heatmap developed by Hunter Provyn and Thomas Krahn and found at Comparisons of the DNA of different human beings reveal that about 99.9% of our DNA is identical so about 0.1% of our DNA is unique. b. Like the paper says, they had severe sickle cell. They do not provide any autosomal testing, but will trace your paternal or maternal line with specificity to 30 countries and several hundred ethnic groups, the strongest resolution available for African Y-DNA and mtDNA analysis. True or false? As long as your haplogroup has the first five characters of E1B1A regardless of what follows it, you are an Israelite. It is also sometimes known as E-M215 or EM35. copyright 2003-2023 Remains found in modern day Israel were analysed and confirmed to carry this haplogroup, dating as far back as the Natufian culture - a peoples living in the Levant (Eastern Mediterranean area of Western Asia) some 14000 years ago. Mitochondrial DNA was extracted from a molar of a 9000-year-old skeleton found in Cheddar Gorge, England. E-V38 is primarily distributed in sub-Saharan Africa. There are 2 at the Y37, 3 and 4 steps away, Ive contacted them and the match at 3 steps got back to me, hes in N. Carolina, African American, and he has Robinsons in his tree, but did not have a tree so Ive been rebuilding that and have come to his Robinson connection, but its difficult because they were enslaved. 1 million c. 3 billion d. 1 billion. 1830 Crawford Co., GA, E-U209, CTS9042, M4257/Z1720, CTS6779/M4041 and CTS11/M3988-, CTS5768-, CTS6212-, and CTS988-. For more information, you can contact Richard Henry at All Israelites are not Jews but all Jews are Israelites. d. All the genes in an organism's DNA. (b) How it can characterize thousands of genes simultaneously? One such a sub-clade, namely E1b1a2 is found almost uniquely in Southwestern Ethiopia, especially among the Omotic cultures. His interest in the past has been a lifelong passion leading to undergraduate degrees in both Economic History & Geography and History & Politics. Pictures & Video, Public On the African continent, E-M215 is found at very high frequency in North Africa, approaching 80% prevalence in some areas across the region. I was wondering if there is any new connection to haplogroup E-PF6747, or haplogroup E-L29 also known as haplogroup E-m84 in northwestern Europe.

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