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2. Materiale riservato agli insegnanti. Jealousy, anger, hate, love, envy or fear? 1 Title Similarities Differences Blowin in the Wind question and answer repetition refrain 8-line stanzas Eleanor Rigby four-line stanzas repetition refrain description of characters: names, personalities I Lived four-line stanzas repetition refrain first-person narration 1.13 Geoffrey Chaucer Es. The protagonist sees this version of events as a dangerous step towards psychosis. Macbeth is obsessed with the sight of blood on his hands, it reminds him of his crime. 4 Causes Consequences Charles Is reign was troubled by a continuous clash with Parliament. 3 It is about magic and there is a dialogue. Reality Appearance thy self (line 2) hand, foot, arm, face (line 4) any part belonging to a man (line 5) Take all myself (line 12) name (lines 1, 3, 6-7, 10-11, 18, 20) Montague (lines 2-3) rose (line 6) Romeo (lines 8, 10, 15) title (line 10) word (lines 13, 22) 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 66/239 2. . 5 143 T47 Daffodils 143.1 Es. He was the Archbishop of Canterbury and the kings chancellor. Richard, Duke of York, was chosen to rule England as regent until the king recovered in 1455. 3. Caliban probably aroused sympathy and curiosity in the Elizabethan audience. 2 146 T48 The killing of the Albatross 146.1 Es. 5. In the 1160s Henry introduced travelling royal judges, who were basically professional lawyers. Satan can be considered an epic hero since he is a leader, he has got courage which makes him accept and face up to his defeat. They must be dated by combining three kinds of evidence: external, internal and stylistic. Her first meeting with Romeo causes her to move quickly towards maturity. 3 49.4 Es. F She was known as Madam Eglantyne. He was Edward IVs brother and Duke of Gloucester. 4 131 4.8 Romantic fiction 131.1 Es. The dominant colours of the stained glass windows are red and blue. The House of Lords was abolished and censorship was introduced. Though Doctor Faustus is regarded as a morality play, it is different from the medieval play Everyman, where Death is a character, God is rigid and vindictive, and the only life possible to reach eternal salvation is the one leading to death. Look at the first picture on page 80. 4. When and where was Magna Carta signed? 2. 4. The thorn which does not bear blossom could not exist, so there is no place to dry the shirt. 03978000374, M. Spiazzi, M. Tavella, M. Layton Performer Heritage, Simulazione di seconda prova Esame di stato 2021, Trova questo corso nel catalogo ZANICHELLI, Che cos' il codice di attivazione di un libro, Come registrarsi come insegnante su myZanichelli. 5. what the warriors kindled They kindled a huge funeral fire (lines 7-8). The ghost of Hamlets father. It will agreed squander the time. 5 A It reveals some aspects of the characters personality. It is compared to a bird, which emphasises its speed. 7 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 17/239 151.8 Es. 2. J 5. How would you define the atmosphere? Sovran (line 5), Whom reason hath equalld, force hath made supreme / Above his equals (lines 7-8), all but less than he / Whom Thunder hath made greater (lines 16-17), Almighty (line 18). Because as a member of the Church he shares the life of the community. What is its new factor? In 1554 she married Philip II of Spain and this made England an ally of Spain against France. 7. 3. Donne says that a very sick individual may be too sick to realise that the bell is tolling for him. Es. 6. what Othello is about to do; He is about to kill Desdemona (lines 7-20). A 5. He uses the image of a tomb to describe his cell in order to make the reader visualise his life in prison better Es. 1 7.2 Es. 2. How does Juliets reflection upon the language shake the medieval code? D 2. The whole structure of the Abbey is based on vertical lines. What does line 20 mean? 1 1. 4 1. 5. 4 135 T43 The Tyger 135.1 Es. 6 59.7 Es. The low-angle shot of the burning fire makes the subject look bigger and more powerful. L'ebook la versione digitale del libro che puoi leggere su tablet, computer e netbook. She belongs to no characterisation, classification or idealisation: she is a real woman. Yes, it can. 1343 2. They would be used for cooking, but it would also be well known that they had medicinal properties, e.g. 3 1625 Charles became king 1628 The Petition of Right 1635 Charles I extended ship money 1640 Charles I summoned the so-called Short Parliament, which refused to give him the money he needed to pay his army to fight a rebellion in Scotland. The ghosts identity, on the other hand, is revealed in line 13 Highlighted in pink: revelation of the ghosts identity Highlighted in orange: metaphor of the ear. Why was he expelled from the university communities? The king disagreed with Martin Luthers anti-Catholic theses and he wrote an attack on Luther which won him the title of defender of the faith from the pope. 8. History and Culture, Literature and Genres, Authors and Texts: attraverso queste tre sezioni si sviluppa lo studio dei diversi periodi della letteratura inglese. C Nothing. 3 156.4 Es. The king raised an army of Royalists and declared war against his opponents, the Parliamentarians. Would it be still effective for a modern audience? The remaining 121 most radical members were called the Rump Parliament. Here women were said to be very beautiful, while men were considered hot-tempered, aggressive and easily jealous. What did the Celts worship and what did they believe? He poisons himself. 1 91.2 Es. T 2. Where do they meet and where are they going? The Master and Margarita: 1. novel 2. master 3. traditional 4. background 5. totalitarianism 3. Siccome ho da fare vari esercizi su questo libro volevo utilizzare le soluzioni per fare pi velocemente. Othello reduced to a miserable. How do you think they feel? 9 54.10 Es. 3. Inglese. Rispondi a reali domande desame e scopri la tua preparazione, Studia con prove svolte, tesine e consigli utili, Togliti ogni dubbio leggendo le risposte alle domande fatte da altri studenti come te, Ottieni 10 punti per ogni documento caricato e altri punti aggiuntivi in base ai download ricevuti, Ottieni punti download per ogni documento condiviso, Aiuta altri studenti e guadagna 10 punti per ogni risposta data, Accedi a tutti i Video Corsi, ottieni Punti Premium per scaricare subito i documenti e esercitati con tutti i Quiz, Entra in contatto con le migliori universit del mondo e scegli il tuo percorso di studi, Chiedi aiuto alla community e sciogli i tuoi dubbi legati allo studio, Scopri le migliori universit del tuo paese secondo gli utenti Docsity, Scarica gratuitamente le nostre guide sulle tecniche di studio, metodi per gestire l'ansia, dritte per la tesi realizzati da tutor Docsity. 5 54.6 Es. Cromwell also defeated the Scottish Royalists who had crowned Charles Is son, Charles II, King of Scotland. T20 Hamlet meets the gost Es. 2 94.3 Es. Language Oxymora, conceits, linguistic images. 3. He uses metaphor, simile and, above all, wordplay. 1 1. The territory includes high mountains as Mount Bernina (4050m), Pizzo della Presolana, Adamello (3554m) and is bordered to the south by the Po river, and cressed by many of its most important tributaries, the Ticino, Adda, Oglio, Mincio, that all form a number of lakes, making the region the richest of large lakes in Italy: Lake Maggiore (or Verbano), the Lugano Lake, Lake Como (or Lario . Caliban showed Prospero the beauty and fertility of the island and how to exploit it. 2. Rispondi e guadagna punti. 3 90.2 Es. Else would a maiden blush bepaint my cheek (line 24). 3. At the beginning of the play, the black Othello is the champion of honesty and he, a barbarian, behaves like a perfect Christian. Utilizziamo i cookie per garantirvi la migliore esperienza sul nostro sito web. C 6. She chose the second one. then he says that she is a real, flesh and blood woman, not a statue or storybook goddess. Romeo and Juliet kiss in the li . 1 50.2 Towards B2 50.2.1 Es. Performer Heritage Volume 2. 2. Who appears twice in the foreground in picture 3? He married Egertons niece, 17-year-old Ann More 16 5. Burying Beowulf with the treasure he died for is Beowulfs thanes last way to honour him. 2. Disponibile per Scaricare e aprire Performer Heritage 1 Soluzioni Esercizi soluzioni e risolto in PDF destinato a studenti e insegnanti, Per studenti e insegnanti E disponibile per Apri o scarica Esercizi di Performer Heritage 1 risolto con soluzioni in formato PDF, Esercizi con Correzione Performer Heritage 1, A tua disposizione disponibile per Scaricare e aprire, Performer Heritage 1 Esercizi con Soluzioni PDF Online Da Stampare, Performer B1 Soluzioni Esercizi Svolti Pdf, Performer B2 Soluzioni Esercizi Svolti Pdf, Performer B1 Soluzioni Esercizi Svolti Pdf Volume 2, Performer B2 Workbook Soluzioni Esercizi Svolti Pdf, Performer Consolidate B1 Soluzioni Esercizi Svolti Pdf, Limportanza delle lingue straniere nellera della globalizzazione, Come affrontare la matematica con successo: molti studenti trovano la matematica difficile e intimidatoria, Le migliori tecniche di studio per migliorare il rendimento scolastico, Genitivo Sassone Esercizi Pdf Con Soluzioni, Esercizi Matematica Prima Media Pdf Con Soluzioni. A church was called cathedral when it contained a cathedra, or a throne, for a bishop. Her request is not supported by her husband. 4 93.5 Es.5 94 3.8 The rise of the novel 94.1 Es. In what ways do the descriptions in the extract seem like a dream? What others can you infer from the text? 4. C 13. That power was demonstrated by the Domesday Book (1086), a record of a survey which gave the king detailed information on the country he now possessed; it was also used for collecting the geld, or property tax. Es. A boy falls in love with a girl and then loses her. 4 81.4 The fire, SCOTT SPENCER 81.4.1 Es. 2 81.3 Demons, IMAGINE DRAGONS 81.3.1 Es. T 3. Highlighted in light brown:Prosperos benevolent attitude to Caliban when he came to the island 5. 1 160.2 Es. What is a ghost? . She consolidated the Reformation in 1559 by re-introducing the Acts of Supremacy and Uniformity. During his reign Erasmus of Rotterdam brought the Humanism of the Renaissance to the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, while Sir Thomas More moved England closer to North-European thought and the origins of Protestantism. They were innocent adolescents at the beginning, now Juliet is emphasising that their relationship has become responsible and adult. 1.3 The Norman Conquest and the Domesday Book Es. 6 Milton put a great deal of his own soul into Satan; since the poet himself was a rebel against the political authority of the king and the religious authority of the Church of England, his sympathy was for Satan, the rebel. 2.13 John Milton Es. What are its most important stylistic features? Can you think of any reason why Duncans murder takes place offstage? 1 1. frame 2. smooth 3. balmy 4. guiltiness 5. Romanticism 3. years 4. scenes 5. orchestra 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 60/239 1. mistress 2. dun 3. wires 4. delight 5. reeks 6. grant 7. treads 8. rare Es. She thinks it is both 4. 2 1. 1 1. pottery 2. raiders 3. breed 4. tin 5. border 6. wheat 7. worshipped 8. barley 9. lead 10. oats 11. plough 12. bridgeable. The work consists of a General Prologue, where the pilgrims are introduced, and twenty-four tales. What does Faustus ask for in lines 4-8, and why does he want this (line 9)? Line 2 contains C a paradox. What burns the ship? Literary competence, per scoprire il valore estetico e culturale del brano. At the famous Battle of Hastings in 1066, Harold was killed and the Anglo-Saxons were conquered by the Normans. What was the Tudor rose like? The Romans brought their culture, the Latin language and Christianity with them. They belong to different social classes, from the aristocracy to nurses, rustics and servants. 4 61.5 Es. How do Romeo and Juliet develop throughout the play? What is it like? The House of Lords was abolished and censorship was introduced. 2 103.3 Es. 7. Who does he curse in lines 48 and 49? Faustus does not believe in predestination and in life a er death. 1 15 T1 The hero come to Hearot 15.1 Es. 3 1. 4 1. To sleep. Highlighted in pink: words used by Prospero to refer to Caliban. 3 8.4 Es. Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too? Performer Heritage 1 Esercizi con Soluzioni PDF Online Da Stampare A tua disposizione disponibile per Scaricare e aprire Esercizi di Performer Heritage 1 con soluzioni risolto in formato PDF per insegnanti e studenti APRI SOLUZIONI Performer Heritage 1 Stampa PDF online What had happened to upset him seventeen days before? Blood: It symbolises the guilt of murder which sticks to Macbeths hands and cannot be washed away Water: It symbolises the possibility of redemption. In 1655 Cromwell divided the country into eleven military regions under major generals. L 2. What can he see under his feet on the shore? 3. The use of this tense underlines the father-son relationship Highlighted in light blue: words referred to the world a er death. 65-84): While Hamlets father was sleeping in his garden, as he used to do in the a ernoon, his brother poured some poison into his ear. The authors of ballads were unknown. Her love for Othello is so sincere and confident that she lets herself be guided blindly by her husband. Es. 1 56.2 Es. In the city of Prague. 1 149 Manfred 150 T50 Manfred's torment 150.1 Es. the protagonists must fight against external forces that make their relationship difficult, but, unlike the great tragic heroes, they experience no inner struggle. 6. He is killed by Tybalt, Juliets cousin. She says they want change. Beowulf has freed Heorot from Grendels menace. She encouraged her sea captains to explore new lands and look for treasure. 5. On the contrary the white Iago has a black soul, he is a villain who plots a cruel mockery to express his power. Es. Es. 1.2 The Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings Es. Chaucer did not portray the aristocracy or peasants. She was a pale-faced woman with reddish-gold hair her eyes were dark brown, her nose hooked, her lips rather thin and her cheek bones pronounced. 5. Who witnesses this funeral scene? Juliet is impulsive, personal, direct, artless, practical. Es. 1 1. What were probably the reasons for Shakespeares choice of Denmark as the setting of the play? Another important feature is the importance of family ties: these relationships are o en in contrasting form, suggesting conflict between the older and younger generations. Macrocosm and microcosm. 2 53.3 Es. Chaucer listed and described tools, clothes and personal qualities. T10 Faustus's last monologue Es. Commenta. 3. 3 55.4 Es. 5. The burning plane Es. 3 Wiglaf: sorrow, regret, sympathy the queen: sorrow, sympathy Es. He decides to live there because he finds a new coin every morning, which allows him to lead a dissolute life. Juliets suicide, in fact, needs more determination than Romeos because while he swallows poison, she stabs herself with a dagger. 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 21/239 Es. During his reign his main concerns were the insecurities of his French territories and the desire to re-establish the legal order in England. 7. Performer Heritage Volume 1 (9788808737441) Trova le tue risorse digitali! 9 The Wifes face, forehead, hips and the colour of her complexion are described exactly in this way. Inns, pubs and theatres were closed down. How are his characters usually related? Re-order the main events of the text. What does the dialogue between the two lovers deal with? Saints do not move, though grant for prayers sake. Do we sympathise more with Macbeth than her? In what respect is his language appropriate to his character? 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 82/239 1. His mission of Christianisation was successful and the cathedral of Canterbury was founded in 602. K 3. What did they introduce to make cultivation easier? 6. 4. 2. What does Faustus refer to in lines 25 and 26? 1st section (lines 1-12): Insults between Prospero and Caliban. 4 103.5 Es. 3. why he doesnt do anything. 1 146.2 Es. Why would it be impossible to make the shirt? 2 38.7.3 Reading and Use of English - Part 1 Es. Doktor Faustus: 1. modern 2. soul 3. life 4. power 5. loneliness 5. There are several extremely large stained glass windows to let in the light Es. Why did the Wars of the Roses break out? It combined the red rose of the House of Lancaster with the white rose of the House of York. 2 53 T15 The masque 53.1 Es. 3. 2 41.3 Es. 3 84.4 Es. Edward VI: During his reign, as a consequence of the Protestant Reformation, religious services were held in English instead of Latin and the Book of Common Prayer, mainly prepared by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer, became compulsory with the Act of Uniformity (1549). D She tries to reach the meat in a composed manner. 9. Where? Consider 7. blessing 8. nourisher 9. feast 10. daggers 11. dare 12. guilt Es. 5 Picture 1: the cult of the Virgin Queen Picture 2: the royal progress to show the queens person and power Picture 3: the exploration of the seas by the sea captains combined with piracy Picture 4: the defeat of the Spanish Armada CLIL Art: Portaying power Es. 2 1. 4 156.5 Es. It was a struggle between tyranny, embodied by Stuart absolutism, and liberty, represented by Parliament. B 7. A document stating that the king could not imprison without trial or impose taxes without the consent of the Commons. 3 143.4 Es. 4 Verb Noun settle settlement cultivate cultivation worship worship invade invasion develop development build building move movement connect connection withdraw withdrawal Es. 11 135.10 Es. 2 141.3 Es. Where does Shakespeare set the scene? The poetic diction is full of polysyllabic Latinisms, inversions and circumlocutions. Es. 6. However, the feeling of the poem is that his passion is more real and rare than the Petrarchan sentiment. 4. Who, according to Portia, possesses mercy? Es. G 6. What was his desperate need? 2 37.3 Es. 2. As this Soluzioni Libro Fisica Meccanica Zanichelli Pdf Pdf, it ends up innate one of the favored book Soluzioni Libro Fisica Meccanica Zanichelli Pdf Pdf collections that we have. 6 They were innocent adolescents at the beginning, now Juliet is emphasising that their relationship has become responsible and adult. She enjoys the company of men and has had five husbands, so she is changeable and definitely given to affairs of the heart. What prevails in the soundtrack of the sequence? 2 Struggle between the tyranny of Stuart absolutism the liberty of Parliament Class conflict between the aristocratic landowners the middle class of merchants, artisans and the small gentry The two parties Royalists, or Cavaliers Parliamentarians, or Roundheads Who they supported the king Parliament Regional concentration Wales, Cornwall and the west of England the city of London, the sea ports and eastern England Es. T7 The Prioress Es. 5 In The Coronation Portrait the orb and sceptre are the symbols of Elizabeth Is authority. T 6. The guards ask for blessing God bless us, and Macbeth, the murderer, cannot pronounce it. 4. 2. The relation between appearance and reality. The contrast between Iago and Othello is underlined by the use of two different styles of language. Match the words from the text with their Italian translation. 8. 6 129.7 Es. Explain your answer. What does Bassanio need? He built fortresses and planned a navy with longships. 3 1. Faustus changes his request in lines 36-38. Which two important legal principles were specifically laid down in the Magna Carta? His name will live forever. 6. Number of stresses: Lines 4, 7. How do Othello and Iago differ? 9. What do you imagine there is on the stage? He is also full of anger at the unfair way he feels he has been treated, at the way he has not been accepted and at the way he was banished from the Butterfields house there is an underlying sense that he thinks they considered him not good enough for their daughter. His life in prison was characterised by cold, dirt, boredom and lack of human interaction. The king dismissed the Petition of Right of 1628 because he thought that he was king by divine right. 2. Es. Under his rule the Rump Parliament abolished the monarchy and declared a republic, the Commonwealth. 2 1. T27 A tale told by an idiot Es. A new Parliament was thus elected, the so-called Long Parliament. Deutschtraining perfekt 1 Soluzioni; 9. what was buried in the barrow A treasure, jewels and necklaces were buried together with what had remained of Beowulfs corpse a er the fire (lines 24-25, 27-28). 1 1. 1 Zanichelli Soluzioni Chimica As recognized, adventure as capably as experience about lesson, amusement, as capably as contract can be gotten by just checking out a books Zanichelli Soluzioni Chimica after that it is not directly done, you could assume even more roughly this life, regarding the world. She had a claim to the English throne she was a Catholic and became the centre of conspiracies against Elizabeth. 2. Beowulf gathers the bravest soldiers. 2 139 CLIL Science: Stem cells 139.1 Es. He re-organised the army of Wessex by demanding one soldier from each freemans farm as a tribute. 4 86 3.3 The early Hanoverians 86.1 Es. She means that God is defined by His mercy. The whole passage is built on the metaphor of hearing, the ear is a symbol that connects the individual and the national sphere, the microcosm and the macrocosm. 5 Examples of repetition: red red, her her her, If If, be be, wires wires. How does the first act end? Reading competence, per la lettura e la comprensione con domande guidate. Gems and a snake adorn the sleeve. 1 1. plot 2. tax 3. Why did painters use symbols to portray Elizabeth I? It is filthy, it is not pure. He established his capital at Winchester and invited scholars from the continent. Famous for: Dramatic masterpieces such as Tamburlaine the Great (1587), Doctor Faustus (1588-89), The Jew of Malta (1590) and Edward II (1591). Es. Es. Hill forts were built on top of hills surrounded by ditches sometimes filled with water. He also wonders if he ought to go and make himself available to the hospital. He curses his parents, himself and Lucifer. 7 98 3.10 Daniel Defoe 98.1 Es. It is superior to it and more powerful. Malala - Nobel Prize acceptance speech Es. 1 50.2.2 Es. The tasks she asks are even more difficult and probably only the leather and feather will be obvious. Es. Thus the king or the queen became the symbol of stability and unity, and the murder of the king/queen was considered as an act against nature which would lead to chaos and disorder. 1 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 56/239 1. gape 2. brutish 3. issue 4. wrath 5. draw up 6. still 7. vomit forth 8.

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zanichelli performer heritage 1 soluzioni