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daily prophetic word fathers heartshooting in cookeville, tn today

Canada, I speak a word of re-mantling over you today- that you would allow yourself to be released from the garments, the equipment of the old season and be willing for the Holy Spirit to outfit you with the new clothing- the new mantle the new things Father God has for you to wear and carry this season. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, Be removed and be cast into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Just then, Jesus reached into the deepest part of the valley with His hand, grasping its very depths with His fingers and He began to pull it upwards and He kept pulling it upwards until the valley was re-formed and re-shaped and transformed into a very high mountain! God says that He is visiting the least likely people in the least likely places across Canada! "Beloved friend, I pray that you are prospering in every way and that you continually enjoy good health, just as your soul is prospering." This year Molly and I celebrated 20 years of full time ministry. In the name of Jesus, I release an anointing of FREEDOM right now- to those who have been under the demonic power of SHAME. I discerned that he had been trying to murder these ones within this womb. He is taking what the enemy meant for their harm and turning it for their good. The destiny of Canada is to release Healing to the Nations, by revealing the Father-heart of God- and its the revealing of His heart that will unleash and release Nations into their Destiny! They went down,bang, bang.I saw bubbles coming from her mouth and knew this was joy unspeakable and laughter. In a vision- I saw the Holy Spirit begin to visit women in this season, to release to them their true Identity as the bride of Jesus Christ/ the Fathers daughters! In removing the old clothing/the old mantle you might even feel vulnerable and nakedbut the old has to come off so that the new garments/ the new mantle can be put on. And so the Divine coat exchange was to exchange the heavy coats for these lightweight bomber jackets. Be glad with her, all you who love her and all you who mourn for her. God is going to be dealing with and healing past relationships- ----in a suddenly moment! New wine-skins revealing and releasing the new wine: the wine of the presence of our King! I believe this is a prophetic picture for the body of Christ right now. In this hour, I see the Father putting His finger on these deep wounds that are under the surface, deep wounds that have been covered but not healed. Because we want to make these dynamic and life-changing courses available as widely as possible! There will be a breaking forth as the mold is removed to reveal the hidden life within. And it is from this dwelling place that My glory will emanate as My resurrection power flows and goes into the places of My choosing! (After subscribing you will shortly receive a welcome e-mail containing several free gifts). 2 Chron. The picture is that of a little orphan girl (see picture insert) holding a big beautiful gift wrapped in a lovely red bow! False prophets and teachers have risen from within the church. Immediately I could feel the strong presence of an orphan spirit- and I could see and sense there were many orphans in the land. I ask that you would touch them in a supernatural way and reveal your heart to them. The Lord is healing the wounds of the fathers and mothers. Father whispered; This is My gift to all: Terry Springsteen. By admin. California- you have been like the Goose that laid the golden egg and in the past seasons the enemy sought to destroy you and tear you apart. And their words will cut like a knife through the darkness and bring separation between what is of God and what is not.their words will correct and straighten and re-align that which has become crooked and perverted and confused. NOTE: I want to clarify those whom the Lord was highlighting to me as spiritual Orphans in this word. In other words, the new creation man is not to hang onto the old things but to receive the new things of God. A collective body of mighty warriors/roaring lionesses rising up to prepare the way for the Fathers plans in the nation of Canada. 2013 is a year to establish Kingdom mindsets, Kingdom principles, Kingdom culture, Kingdom government and Kingdom atmosphere! I decree that His word will not return void but will accomplish all that He purposed for it to accomplish. But in this season, I see the Lord has established Godly overseers, watchmen and humble leaders in the church in California; those who will walk in the fear of the Lord and be able to rightly steward all the Lord is pouring into your state. I see a collective body of spiritual mothers pregnant with the Fathers plans and purposes for this new Era! This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is from Me, says the LORD. Maggie Baratto/ Posted: January 15, 2022. A birthing into the place of intimacy within the Fathers bosom. The Father is gathering these faithful ones and I hear Him say- I can work with this! A remnant prepared as the dwelling place for the presence and power of the Holy Spirit for they have been made Holy even as He is Holy. There is an army that is finishing their transition into their promisesinto their Destiny Come out of the old thing, out of the old wineskin and come into the new thing, the new Wineskin of the Apostolic church. (After subscribing you will shortly receive a welcome e-mail containing several free gifts). For I am your loving Father, and I delight in giving good gifts to My children. Sealed, I decree the Word of the Lord over you from Isaiah 54:27 which reads - no weapon formed against you will prosper No weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. You have felt empty and void, but know this, says the Father, I am in that void. Stop trying to do something for Me and let Me do something through you. I saw a generation of sons and daughters who had been prepared by the Lord in the secret place. She went in and out of shops, upsetting items, tables, and things in those shops, and throughout the marketplace, and back into the streets. NOTE: This word is about the birthing of orphans into Son-ship, through the Holy Spirit. I see a standard being raised up in Manitoba. When Samuel took the anointing oil and anointed David in the midst of his brothers it says that theSpirit of the Lord came upon him from that day forward. You who have ears to hear - hear what the Spirit is saying to you. As she ascended, I watched her garments miraculously transform into complete military attire! The mothering aspect of the Fathers heart will be used powerfully in this season to birth and release the fathering aspect of the Fathers heart. The person appeared fearful at first but soon realized this was a good cloud! I could see many orphans being transformed into sons and daughters as they would enter fully into the Fathers bosom in this season. I saw there was a light shining in through a window at the very top. I will comfort you there in Jerusalem as a mother comforts her child. I see real balance coming into Nova Scotia. A voice of one is calling out, Clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness, remove the obstacles; Make straight and smooth in the desert a highway for our God. Isaiah 40:3. Today, the table has been turned in your favour. This horse is a war horse and represents the army of warriors that God is raising up in Canada to take down every work of the enemy; to establish the kingdom of heaven on earth. You are perfectly designed and equipped for such a time as this!And I saw that these glass shoes werent normal shoes- theyre dancing shoes and as soon as the shoe slipped into place- I saw the women rise up and begin to dance on the head of injustice! The Father spoke to her I want you to work with My Son. We are not called to partner with the world, we are called to lead the world! As I looked at up into this huge wave of water I saw that there were many deadly snakes leaping within and upon it. The Word and the Spirit are flowing as One. As Mary birthed Josephs role as an earthly father to Jesus (the son of God), similarly the mothers of this new Era are birthing the role and destiny of Apostolic fathers. Canada, this is the year to find your place, to find your lane and to be fitted properly within the Global Body. These are called to LEAD a present generation in a battle cry for VICTORY! "And so the Living Expression (the Word) became a man and lived among us!" Today- in this season- I see this mass called Confusion is being laid out before the Lord and the spirit of Truth- is being released into its core. A line is being drawn to separate and define what has been from what is now to be. And when people wore these jackets obstacles and hindrances were removed from their midst as they moved forward in the yoke of Christ. They did not expose or uncover themselves nor did they try to draw customers to themselves; they simply released what the Father had given them to release.I understood that all of the servers in this restaurant were sharing and releasing from the Fathers heart rather than from their own.END OF VISION. I discerned that this was to require a revelation of Jesus Christ that had not yet been seen in Canada! Are we being motivated by attention, power or pay? The lightness and purity of these jackets empowered the individuals wearing them because the source of their strength was coming from God's ability and not themselves. Stay connected to the source of Life Himself. Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing,Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it?I will even put a road in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert. The atmosphere was peaceful, joyful and lovely. I thank you Father that nothing is impossible for you because you are the God of the impossible! Your identity as daughters will strengthen and flow into your destiny as mothers- mothers over lands and mothers over cities and mothers over nations! As My kingdom comes so comes the kingdom that I have apportioned you. Jesus is the Word of God fulfilled. I will lead you to walk by My Spirit, in the greatest demonstrations of My Kingdom for nothing will be impossible for those who believe! Sealed, I Decree to the demonic alter of the church of Satan, today you are rendered powerless by the blood of Jesus Christ. The word trough in Hebrew comes from the same origin of the word manger and the words trough and manger are synonymously in the scriptures. * * * NEW POSTS * * * Please Share this Article: Their mouths were open and I could see their teeth were dirty and rotten and I knew it was because they were sitting at Jezebels table, chewing on food that had been offered to idols. They will retrieve the blessings for their generational lineage and they will make the crooked ways straight. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. In the Spirit, I saw the church of Satan in North America---with many high priests and high priestesses surrounded by demonic alters and I saw self-proclaimed witches and warlocks promoting the message of satanism, embracing the fallen nature of man and operating in the occult. I looked around and realized that we were the ones sitting there with our shoes off. And even as the Father has imparted into them His heart for the lost, the broken and the hurting so they shall arise to set the Captives free and no one shall come near them or stop them for the fierceness of Love will be upon them. Its a new day and the Fathers hand is sweeping across Canada to gather together His sons and daughters so that they might walk in unity and be about their Fathers business. Today, I see you dance upon the heads of injustice and violence and poverty and from your feet- from your dance comes a breaker anointing releasing the Glory of God from the Nations- to the Nations! I saw many people across the land, with one foot caught in these traps and they could not move or go anywhere. But behold you will be mute and not able to speak until the day these things take place because you did not believe my words which will be fulfilled in their own time. Fresh oil is being poured on you today. Watch now as the Father reveals the new thing that He has been preparing in the secret place deep within you. Daughters of God, I speak life into your spirits, your souls and your bodies and I break the power of death from you and I decree that you are stepping into a whole new Era of Resurrection life and Resurrection power! The wedding ceremony is the preparation or the prelude to the marriage. Who is this King of glory? Shifting and shaking in the depths, in the foundations and in the core of identity in Christ. Walking in prosperity is simply being occupied by God. This Word is to encourage and bless those who carry the true heartbeat of the amazing Freedom Convoy happening right now in Canada. And I heard Divine coat exchange. I could see my earrings were pearls withwhisks attached that were whirling and turning around, accelerating my ability to move forward. She represented an army of Apostolic mothers that were being awakened by the Commander of the Lords Army to arise and transition into a whole new season! And I see that this will break the orphan spirit from Canada and thrust her into her destiny to bring healing to the nations! We are being called to be Hot! The return to true femininity shall reshape a culture and bring many prodigals home. Use this form to subscribe to the Daily Prophetic Word. In early August 2021, in the Spirit, I saw the story outlined in Joshua 10:24 unfold before me in a vivid vision (this was the 2nd time God highlighted this story to me in a vision). It was so new and so fresh and so beautiful! The race begins and the hare runs ahead leaving the tortoise behind and, the hare being overly confident of winning, he takes a nap midway. It's time for breakthrough---Weapons of warfare begin to manifest as the Army receives revelation and divine strategy for warfare. I see mental illness being lifted from generational lines and I decree an anointing for breakthrough is releasing entire families and households from the enemys grip and shifting them into their destiny! I see doors of Destiny opening before you and I see the Holy Spirit is present to compel and propel you into this new season! Box 14127, Springfield, Missouri 65814. For the past few weeks I keep seeing a recurring vision. Canada- no doubt, you have been shifted and sifted in the hand of the Lord but the Father saysthrough it all- I have brought forth a remnant! So I pray that we would be good receivers of what God is pouring out through His Spirit - in this new Era! They are the key that will unlock the destiny of Canada and turn a Nation back to the Fathers heart- To restore the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers! Its like heavens lost and found department is being activated and cleared out. In the story, as soon as the servant put the slipper on the foot of Cinderella- it fit her perfectly and her true identity was sealed and revealed!In a suddenly moment, her true identity was revealed as the princes beloved! Im remaking you into a people invincible, into Gods juggernaut to crush the godless peoples. There were huge heavy chains on their legs pulling and weighing them down. They were dancing the dance of freedom and dominion. I break the power of every assignment connected to SHAME in your life in Jesus name! Her arms and legs and body were splitting out of her old clothes. On the front of the train I saw the Spirit of Counsel positioned to lead, direct and move this train within the Fathers perfect counsel and timing. I also choose to release blessing to them, even if I dont feel like it right now. Let go of the ungodly yokes that have weighed you down and let me free you up from the agendas of man. As I saw these things happening, I was strongly impressed by the Spriit of God that this was a picture of much of the church on social media platforms. Father God, I confess that I have consciously/unconsciously yielded to an evil spirit of jealousy. As I walked through the restaurant, I saw that the food they served was being freshly 'cooked up' in the kitchen by the master Chef- God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). So, in closing, I declare and release Isaiah 11:2 over the body of Christ in Australia- :The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD. I knew that this was in fact, the Gate called Beautiful found in Acts 3:2-11. His love burns in their hearts. They are spiritually Fatherless and spiritually Homeless. Jesus came to show us how to be a Son in the Kingdom of God! Make you sure you have a separate recording device! This becomes possible because the complete man is the Body of Jesus, who is our head and seated with God. For I, the Lord, love justice; I hate robbery for burnt offering; I will direct their work in truth, and will make with them an everlasting covenant. Now is the time for the Resurrection Power -resurrection into the heavenly places, resurrection to the Father's right hand. And the movement of mothering will release the movement of fathering!. I saw prophets being raised up from the darkest of places and being wood by the Holy Spirit, to leave the table of Jezebel. Especially those who have been struggling in who they are and what they are called to do. I decree that every assignment of the enemy is being removed from the lives of these daughters in Jesus name! Sealed. Bring back our captivity, OLord, as the streams in the South. It says Zechariah was muted because he spoke in a way that revealed that he did not believe the Words of God. As we occupy and posses our inheritance in Christ, we will occupy and possess the Nation of Canada. in the past but now they are shrivelling up and are dying. And when we receive the Fathers provision and protection (the person and work of Jesus Christ) that we experience healing, peace, restoration and destiny! Sealed, I Decree the spiritual Gate in California is being cleansed with the blood of Jesus Christ! Call us at 417-593-9802. These women were releasing the Mothering aspect of the Fathers Heart and their ROAR was releasing the Fathering aspect of the Fathers Heart. Then I heard the Father say, this is the Time of the Threshold. Giants of the Faith are rising up and they can be described as ones who walk in the authority and the spirit of Elijah. I saw that he had come in the spirit of murder (abortion, suicide) and had attempted to kill and destroy these ones, many times in past seasons, but he had not prevailed! The Fathers heart will be arrayed and displayed through the Inuit people of Canada. You will prepare the way for the return of My Son- you will prepare the way for the bridegroom and you will prepare nations for the hour of Restoration is upon you says the Lord of Host! The fear of the Lord came upon me in the dream because I knew the only safe place would be in the house, so I ran into the House. The body of Christ is coming into a time of Mobilization. My husband had gone ahead and booked a beautiful suite with a Jacuzzi and prepared it with champagne, fruit and chocolates etc. I immediately come out of the vision, I open my eyes as worship is continuing and I realize he has taken off his shoes and is motioning for me to do the same. Amos 3:7- Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets the message bible translation says it this way: Without first telling his prophets the whole story. Consummation takes place and it means to bring something to completion or to a finish. I saw these ones as those who were coming up out of the wilderness, leaning on their beloved. 2013 is the year where we will Cultivate and Establish a Culture of Victory. And they will go forward in boldness with the roar of the lioness. For I have saved the best wine for last and I will pour you out as a force for good and a force of My kindness and a force of my mighty deliverance anointing and you will be an unstoppable force and I will explode within you a powerful influence of reconciliation and peace! In step with one another; preferring and honouring one another. Amen. Then you will trample on the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I act, says the Lord Almighty. Mangled carries with it the idea of something or someone that has become so disfigured, beaten, bruised and cut up that the original form cant even be identified. The beast of the field will honour Me, The jackals and the ostriches. I saw the body of Christ attacking and sabotaging its own body by aligning their agreement with these two spirits. Call us at 417-593-9802. You shall trample the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet, on the day that I do this, says the LORD of hosts., I sensed the anointing of great grace, victory, and authority upon these butterflies!

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daily prophetic word fathers heart