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This list refers only to the population of individual municipalities within their defined limits, which does not include other municipalities or suburban areas within urban agglomerations. It was a very heavy argument for a week or two. If you work hard, youre going to love me because Ill give you a lot of responsibility. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates? President, with all due respect, this is the way I think the situation is.. So when I wanted to come out, and when I went to San Francisco and this guy told me, The way youre doing these protocols is ridiculous. So she came in and heard from people who you know, stories get magnified, legends get magnified. Much has been made of your email to Dr. Fauci in late January 2020, shortly after the coronavirus genome was first sequenced. That was my realization: Okay, I think maybe theres something else in my career besides basketball.. So they were trying to figure out what this was, and they found out that theres an enzyme that no one had ever identified before. Your own wife has said that when she first got to NIH, you were away on a trip to China and shed heard all these horrible stories about how strict you were. But when he was vice president, and George W. Bush wasnt quite there yet he was still in Texas or wherever he was he came to the NIH, and we developed a rapport and a friendship that I still to this day feel so blessed, having done that. The following list sorts all cities in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia with a population of more than 50,000. The thing you get concerned about is an outbreak of an infectious disease thats respiratory-borne, that has a high degree of morbidity and mortality, such as a pandemic influenza. He all of a sudden started inviting me to the vice presidents mansion, to Christmas parties, to brunches and lunches over at his house. But heres where I want to go. When it comes to things like the development of AIDS drugs, I said, Heres what the goal is going to be. So there are certain things that I delegate, I dont micromanage, and you pick the very best people. But Ill give you a really cogent example of basic research that has ultimately transformed diseases. Pediatric Neurosurgeon and Public Servant. So academically, it was extraordinary. Fauci graduated from the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts another Jesuit institution and Cornell University Medical College, where he received his medical degree in 1966. They did some amazing things, not only to me but, in New York City, they closed down Wall Street, they broke into St. Patricks Cathedral during the middle of a mass and grabbed the chalice from the priest. So it just was really an extraordinary experience. Some of them were highly lethal. He owned the drugstore, and my sister and I and my mother and father lived in the apartments above the drugstore. What was that like for you? So when I came to the NIH, I had a mentor named Sheldon Wolf, who was an amazing person in that he gave me, at a very young age, a group of patients to work with him and figure out how we can study them. But the Jesuits wanted you to go to a Jesuit school. Thats the thing. And here I am, having a glass of pinot grigio with this guy, and he says, You know I love you Tony, but were going to do it. And they did it. We didnt know it at the time, but thats when I made a dramatic sea change in my career, and I said, Ive been very well accomplished for the past nine years, doing these very interesting things with autoimmune inflammatory diseases, and now we have this group of people strangely, virtually all gay men who are presenting with a disease that looks, smells, and acts like an infectious disease, and its destroying their immune system. In fact, I wasnt harsh with them because they said, Thats not the way you do it. Public health officials thought that was a dangerous idea. Anthony Fauci: When I came down to the NIH after my residency, in 1968, it was a period of time when we were just starting to get insight about the human immune system. I think were starting to see that things are evolving at a global level, where you have the global health security agenda, where we get other countries to have enough surveillance and transparency and collaboration so that when there are outbreaks in different parts of the world, you dont start from scratch. At some point, you became the pin cushion for HIV activists, who were pushing for more resources, more studies, a cure and faster, better treatment. This is the situation in which Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the leading experts on the White House coronavirus task force, currently finds himself. Working with the second President Bush, Dr. Fauci helped create the Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS (PEPFAR) to address the HIV-AIDS pandemic in Africa. And when I got there, much to my I thought it was dismay I get a phone call from John Sununu, and John says, Tony, what happened out there? And I said, John, it really needed to happen. I said, The president just needs to get filled on this, whats going on.. His father was a pharmacist, and when the family moved to the Dyker Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn, the elder Fauci acquired a small building where he operated a drugstore on the ground floor while the family lived in an apartment above. I really enjoyed that. Anthony Stephen Fauci was born in Brooklyn, New York. The doctor's response to this is . And they did it at the same time that we were friends. By the time you finished school, went up, practiced basketball, came back down, you got home, it was clearly dark, even during the springtime. What my wife was saying was a different story. It was about an hour, an hour and 15 minutes sometimes. But multiple media outlets quote the National Institutes of Health as saying . Anthony Fauci: Well, I first explained the pros and cons of that to Scooter Libby and Carol Kuntz, who was a woman who worked closely with the vice president, and then they said, The vice president needs to hear this. So they brought me into the White House to explain it to the vice president. What they would do is that every elementary school in the five boroughs, in addition to some in the Connecticut and New Jersey area because we had kids in our class who were from Jersey City and places like that the top person in the class that was picked by the nuns who were usually nuns, sometimes brothers from these elementary schools would go to a testing place in Manhattan. He became director of NIAID in 1984, as the AIDS epidemic was ravaging Americas cities. I made it a point now maybe he heard it, maybe not of saying, because some of the press and others were trying to dump all over Governor Christie. I went back there for one of their anniversaries and gave a couple of lectures. How did you do that? So from a very, very early age, I would help out behind the counter with the cash register and wrapping things. I think were doing better now. So even though we accepted the toxicities of the smallpox vaccine back then, it was because there was active smallpox out there. Like, You have this to do. He has held both posts ever since. What did they do? Not dueling directly against each other because I would be on many of the shows Meet the Press, Face the Nation talking about things, and then he would be saying certain things. I dont know what its going to be. It wasnt like you have the school that people from the particular district it was from all over: Manhattan, Bronx, Staten Island, Queens, Brooklyn, some from Connecticut, some as far away as New Jersey. When youre a micromanager, or you dont have a vision, and for some reason or other you get called away you could get called away in a crisis or you can get called away because youre sick or whatever it is, then the people back there, they dont have any idea what theyre doing. Anthony Fauci: Regis High School is an all-scholarship high school, right in the middle of Manhattan. Ill give you a simple example of it that I became very well known for and became a hero among the activist community for working with them to establish this thing called parallel track.. During the Ebola crisis, you actually took care of patients. So why dont we do something? Dr. Anthony Fauci has gotten the Disney treatment. We know better than you. Meanwhile, they have a disease, they see all of their friends dying, and we say, Well, a new drug takes x number of years to get through the process of the standard clinical trial. And activists were saying, Wait a minute. So if I were a Wall Street mogul, I would get some kind of a golden parachute or something there. What do you think about that? And then when he became the president of the United States was when this thing happened in San Francisco, and its a very interesting story, but its true its really wonderful is that we became, to the extent that you can do it, we became as friendly as you can be. He really liked it, but then, with a bunch of amazing people in the White House, particularly Josh Bolton; Gary Edson; Jay Lefkowitz; and a guy who was my assistant, who became indispensable, Mark Dybul, who then went on ultimately to be head of PEPFAR years later, we went back and said, Okay, lets go back and see if we can do a plan thats much more transforming than just mother-to-child transmission, that actually prevents infections, cares for people, including orphans, and treats people with these lifesaving drugs. And I said, You know, Mr. President, thats going to cost a lot of money. He traveled the country to meet with AIDS patients and their physicians, as well as with activist groups, and created new channels of access to experimental drugs. But I loved every aspect of medicine. In 1980, Dr. Fauci was named to head the new Laboratory of Immunoregulation. I cant remember the trains ever breaking down. And billions of dollars. And he said, Dont worry about it. When we have crises, the adrenaline is so high that there were certain crisis components that it harkened back to my internship and residency days, where you had to do the things that you mentioned at my regular quote day job. You have to brief the president in the Situation Room. Surprised the hell out of a lot of people because they said, My God, what is he really doing? But that was an example, in my mind, of amazing presidential leadership. It was a very interesting phenomenon because he spoke hardly any English at all. You said, "The unusual features of the virus make up a really small . Anthony Fauci: I was the captain and high scorer of the basketball team, right. And I took over 25 credits of philosophy, as well as two years of Greek, two years of Latin, two years of French, and then enough of the sciences to get into medical school. There was somebody from the Los Angeles Times. You need to elevate your legs. You need to do this and you need to do that. Then, as now, many cancers were treated with drugs that killed cancerous cells but also destroyed the bodys immune system because the required high doses of the drugs impaired the patients ability to respond to infections. Organizations are springing up, there are talks of emergency medical funds, infrastructure is being built in different places. They show the smoke bombs going off at the NIH. My mother went to Hunter College, but as soon as she had children my sister, whos three years older than I am she then became a housewife-mother to the family. And it was that kind of involvement back then, with very little attention paid by the public or the government at the time, that was another triggering thing for me to make a career change. The Bronx High School of Science is one of the elite science things, so I would say you could say this, and its the truth it was kind of the Bronx High School of Science for Catholic kids who went to elementary school. Dr. Fauci advocated closing many non-essential businesses and limiting public gatherings to minimize transmission of the disease. He's become a prominent leader during the novel coronavirus. He works for the National Institutes of Health of the United States. He was one of the principal architects of the Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), a program that has saved more than 20 million lives throughout the developing world. She had been at the NIH for a few weeks while I was away in China giving a lecture. New York City has some extraordinary schools. Im in a field where accumulation of knowledge and experience in difficult situations make you well suited to play a very special role. So if you didnt have a good team to continue the good work that youve already they know what you want. During the same period, he ranked 22th out of 3.3 million authors in the field of research & experimental medicine, and 715th out of 1.4 million authors in the field of general & internal medicine. Youd take a catnap here and a catnap there, and you wouldnt go. He also received 58 honorary doctoral degrees from universities in the United States and abroad. We took a disease that was 98 percent fatal, and we had 93 percent remission rates in that. Anthony Fauci: On a regular night, I sleep about five hours maybe a little about five hours, five hours and ten minutes. When theres a lot of money around, you can say, Okay, lets put a little money there. But when you already have extraordinary budgetary constraints, thats a real difficult thing to do, to convince somebody to put resources into something that might not ever happen. Dr. Fauci got the idea that if he used lower doses of these same drugs on his own patients with autoimmune diseases, he could suppress their abnormal immune responses without destroying their immune system and thus not put them in danger of infections. In comparison to the "Hamilton" musical song "Nonstop," Dr. Fauci may be a modern Alexander Hamilton. That the president trusted me, so he called me in and said, I really want to do something thats transforming in the field of AIDS, for the HIV-infected people in the developing world, particularly in Africa. She took care of the children and worked and literally supported the family because her husband my grandfather, my maternal grandfather was an artist, somewhat of a bohemian kind of a person who used to hang out in Greenwich Village with his artist friends. So we knew that; it was sort of like a failsafe, and I said, Mr. This is something we really should do, and if it looks like its worth doing, were doing it. As it turned out, from the time I came back from Africa in 2002 came back in April, presented to him then, throughout the whole summer until we got into the end of 2002 and 2003 we were fine-tuning. Everything is free in Regis High School. One of the first times that I had to do that was with Vice President Bush and then President Bush. On 21 January, 1947, the new state was joined by the territory of Lippe. Not really quite sure what it is. And he wrote an article in the San Francisco Examiner, I think, the Sunday magazine section, which was just phenomenal. Do you have a system? But when you make it really clear that heres where were going, then in the middle of the anthrax attacks which, we didnt know whether the next attack was going to be something that would wipe us out I would say I spent more time in the White House in the Situation Room during that fall of 2001 because the anthrax came, remember, right after 9/11, that, those few months, that I literally lived in the White House and before congressional committees and on television, trying to calm the public. Thats Harolds subtle sense of humor saying an iron fist. What Harold meant was that, as the leader of the institute, I expect everybody to put 100 percent in. And sometimes people not only presidents you tell them something they dont like, they dont want to hear it, and they dont want to ask you back again. In 2002, after the anthrax scare, Vice President Cheney was very hot to use the stock of live smallpox vaccine for a massive U.S. inoculation, for fear that there might be a terrorist attack. It was long days, and with basketball practice, particularly if you had to go up which we did often we used to go up and scrimmage in the Harlem Boys Club up on Lenox Avenue and 114th, 118th Street, go up to the Bronx and play. And he said, You know what we really need to do to gain attention? To add to his incredible rap sheet, Fauci has authored, co-authored, and edited more than 1,300 scientific publications and textbooks. Anthony Fauci: My father was a pharmacist. Dr. Fauci is an immunologist and has served as the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, where he oversees research to diagnose, prevent, and treat infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis. I did that when I became the director of NIAID. When Vice President George H. W. Bush was vice president, he was preparing to run for president, and he came and asked the NIH director who was Jim Wyngaarden at the time I really want to learn a little bit about HIV. You dont go home and have dinner when youre in the middle of an anthrax crisis. And then, towards the end of the years, we went into January, and he decided: a) Im going to do it, and b) Im going to announce it in the January 28, 2003 State of the Union Address. And he did, and he did it unilaterally. Best Known For: Dr. Anthony Fauci has served as Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984. Im going to go to the Copacabana. Could you tell us how that came to be? People looked at me like I was crazy. If you all of a sudden vaccinated the whole country again, you would wind up given the unlikelihood that youre going to have a bioterror smallpox attack that would not allow you to then vaccinate around the people who were infected I think the weight of the waiting, getting a stockpile, is infinitely better than just feeling better about vaccinating everybody. I think maybe Ive been fortunate. And often, the news you bring is not the kind of news that presidents want to hear. If youre lazy, youre sloppy, you dont pull your weight, youre going to have a problem with me. Mark Dybul and I and Josh Bolton were fine-tuning: how many people, how many countries, how much will it cost, etc., etc. I would take that local from a certain station to the express stop and switch to the BMT Express, which would go to 14th Street and Union Square in Manhattan, at which point Id switch to the IRT or Interborough Rapid Transit, it was called then from 14th Street up to 86th Street and Lexington Avenue, get out and walk from 86th and Lex to 85th and Madison, where the school was. He serves as one of the key advisors to the White House and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on global AIDS issues and on initiatives to bolster medical and public health preparedness against emerging infectious disease threats such as pandemic influenza. What a bunch of stodgy people who dont know what theyre doing!. Since I was interested in the immune system, I was saying, Is there any way that we can suppress the immune system enough to suppress the disease but not enough to make a person susceptible to the secondary infections you get when you knock out someones immune system? So, for example, the drugs that were used for cancer cyclophosphamide, a variety of other drugs when given to people who have cancer, you want to completely kill all the cells. I cant make judgment better or worse, but now, you know, youre on for a certain number of hours, and then you have to leave, and you cant be tired. What the hell is going on here? Anthony Fauci: I met her over the bed of a patient. Dr. Fauci, you joined NIH the National Institutes of Health at the beginning of your career, almost 50 years ago. And scholastics, who were priests-in-training before they become priests, were the ones that were teaching there. People who back then, remember, AZT when we were starting to test drugs for the opportunistic infections, one of the infections was an infection called cytomegalovirus (CMV), which, in people whose immune system was suppressed, it had some devastating consequences, one of which was it chewed away at the retina and you lost your vision. So she gets that, and she goes blah, blah, blah in Portuguese to the guy. You dont get in because you know somebody. Since his days of advising Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, Fauci has maintained a simple credo: "You stay completely apolitical and non-ideological, and you stick to what it is that you do.. What Im going to do now is Im going to focus my attention and this was 1981 on bringing in these patients and trying to figure out whats going on with them. And for a couple of years before the virus was discovered by (Luc) Montagnier and then by (Robert) Gallo, to prove that it is, we were seeing things that were amazing. Somehow you talked him out of it. He invited me to San Francisco, and he said, I want to show you something. So he took me to the Castro District, and we went into the room of a young man who was clearly debilitated from HIV, who was being taken care of by his partner. He helped pioneer the field of human immunoregulation by making important basic scientific observations that underpin the current understanding of the regulation of the human immune response. I loved it because the curve of learning and then applying it to things that: a) are important, that you care about, and that are fulfilling that thing that has been subconsciously drilled into your midbrain, the idea about doing things for others. I went to medical school, and thats when I came back to New York City at Cornell University Medical Center, which is where I really wanted to go. So thats the reason why were doing things right now to try and develop more universal countermeasures against these things. Anthony Fauci: What people dont understand is they think that these two things are disconnected that theres basic research and then theres research for HIV drugs or what-have-you to treat AIDS. I remember something that just struck me so much. Senator Susan Collins of Maine grilled the C.D.C.'s director, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, at a committee hearing over what she called the C.D.C.'s "secret negotiations" with the teachers' union. And when you look at the drugs that they were being treated with, they were being treated with massive doses of these cytotoxic drugs. What happened was a series of events. I hear theres this guy Fauci out there that I see in the news and stuff like that. An article circulating on social media claims that Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH),. He was a wonderful, wonderful man. When Fauci took charge of NIAID, its annual budget was only $320 million. I want to do something that we have control of., And he said, Lets see if we can put something together because I firmly believe,he said, I, George W. Bush, firmly believe that, as a rich country, we have a moral obligation that when others throughout the world are suffering and dying, that when we have the capability of preventing that from happening, that we should do something about it. Fauci graduated from the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts another Jesuit institution and Cornell University Medical College, where he received his medical degree in 1966. The total now, after the 34 years the 33 years Ive been director,Ive probably testified before Congress more than anybody, purely because of the longevity of what I do. So they asked me if I wanted to do that. I was clearly a very board-certified and accomplished infectious disease person. And that was kind of you wouldnt say drilled into you it was, thats the way it was. As a specialist in infectious diseases, he would often consult with the physicians of the National Cancer Institute, since many of their patients suffered from opportunistic infections due to their weakened immune systems, caused by the chemotherapy for their cancer. He said, I thought that went really well. At a high school level, I was really quite good. Former NIAID Director. I mean literally hundreds of times. They would take their temperature; they would know that if they got sick, they would go. So Ive had to tell presidents sometimes things that they didnt like. I was fascinated by the intricacies of how the immune system was regulated. It was not in Brooklyn. The vice president is a very smart guy, you know. And the word got out. He was just a wonderful, wonderful human being. I wanted to do infectious diseases, and I wanted to lead the AIDS effort. Such-and-such, I need you when you go home, you need to rest. Thats why I went into infectious diseases, ultimately, because its such a dramatic aspect of medicine. Youre going to do this on the way back. You know, amazing psychology of it; I mean its a lesson that in many respects is beautiful. Anthony Fauci: No. Anthony Fauci: I think thats a little hyperbolic. If youre going to take the responsibility of putting somebodys life in your hands, youd better know whats going on with the patient. Aug. 22, 2022. He has never revealed a party. Hes a phenomenal writer, a Pulitzer Prize winner; hes really fantastic. You distinguished yourself from the beginning with some pioneering studies of the human immune system. So, give you an example: basic research is probing its kind of like an incubator of new ideas for things in which you dont quite yet know what the applicability is going to be. And the career change was, I had always been an in-the-trenches physician, an at-the-bench scientist. We had a ward full of young, almost all gay men, who were otherwise well, who had come in with the most devastating opportunistic infections. He completed his internship and residency at New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center. Anthony Fauci: Its free. Dr. Fauci, thank you so much for your time with us. My mothers father and mother my grandmother on my mothers side was a dressmaker and a homemaker. Anthony Fauci: Its a combination of prioritization, and when you get a certain amount of experience, you know what you really do have to spend time on and things that you can just blow off. And at a time when my mother had chores and would have to leave, she would leave me with my grandfather. It was great training. Its very hard to get political leaders to plan for the future when they have pressing issues in the present, isnt it? So I decided that I was going to say, Hey, I made a lot of accomplishments here. How did you ever see them? But it was very heavily steeped in philosophy, and I was taking it. Dr. Fauci pressed the White House and Congress relentlessly for an increase in funding for AIDS research and treatment. Dr. Fauci is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Medicine, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society, as well as other professional societies including the American College of Physicians, the American Society for Clinical Investigation, the Association of American Physicians, the Infectious Diseases Society of America, the American Association of Immunologists, and the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. There had been a lot of activity around, after the drugs that, in combination, were proven to be totally lifesaving for people who had access to certain drugs. In 2007, President George W. Bush honored him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nations highest civilian honor, for Faucis role in creating the PEPFAR program. And that is, one of the activists from San Francisco, Marty Delany, who was a phenomenal guy I really related to him because he started off as a Jesuit priest and then dropped out was a gay guy, and he was an activist. I love Rick Atkinsons books on war. My father went to Columbia University College of Pharmacy in New York City. As of December 31, 2017, 76 cities fulfill this criterion and are listed here. Now, if youre the kind of person that doesnt function well under that, thats dangerous, and thats a good reason why there are restrictions now. Sometimes you just cant Lets go home and have dinner! type, it doesnt work. Anthony Fauci: The museum that I really enjoy is the Air and Space Museum. He came with Barbara. Ill tell the boss and well see what happens. And then the next thing I knew, I was asked down to the White House for something else, and the president says, You know, I think that was the right thing to do. Fast-forward X number of years, I was given the public-health-something distinguished award for doing this. White House COVID-19 czar Dr. Anthony Fauci and former National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins have aggressively silenced doctors who don't toe the government line on matters. Well, a month before, one of the organizers, Peter Staley, who has become quite a good friend I mean a really good friend of mine right now we used to bring him down to Washington, the activists, after we got rid of this confrontational thing. I still have a picture of it. So Larry Kramers famous thing is: You need to chain yourself to the gate of the White House and demand that we have much more money. And I say, Larry, I have a relationship with the president, and gradually, were getting a lot more money.

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