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Bunt Defense with runner at 2B or 1st & 2B | Discuss Fastpitch Softball The kids need to be taught how to execute an underhand toss and it needs to be practiced a lot. Get the latest insights with regular newsletters, plus periodic product information and special insider offers. Before jumping into teaching the kids game, we first want to recognize that the game played on the smaller diamond is different. Releasing this responsibility to the Catcher is simple to do if we subscribe to the Philosophy that Its the Players team, not My team. Defensive Coverage For Pickoffs [ARTICLE] - Coaches Insider Fully managed IT solutions to enjoy your direct business development | Being an expert in the critical online systems and applications management, HyperOps . The Shortstop moves towards the ball, which takes them to the second base bag. We want them to see that they can get to the corner base as easy as they can get to Second Base. The Left Fielder and Right Fielder, in most cases, back up the corner base on their side of the field. It is not uncommon in the youth game to see both the Shortstop and Second Baseman covering second base together. We teach this practice to the infielders because not every child can project their voice all the way to the oufield. Solution: at the conclusion of the drill (players have gotten to where they think they are supposed to be), for each player who is not lined up with the direction of a throw to a base, roll a ball firmly towards, and past the base. The same is true, in most instances, when the ball is hit to the center fielder. There are four infielders, the game is played with one ball and there are three bases. The players need to understand that the player with the ball needs to remain conscious of the runners. When kids cover a base, more often than not they put a foot on the base. There will be times however, when another player can get to the area around the pitching rubber easier, and quicker, than the pitcher. Throughout each play the Catcher is at their Position in front of Home Plate instructing the defense what to do with the ball*. Human Kinetics print books and eBooks are now distributed by Mare Nostrum, throughout the UK, Europe, Africa and Middle East, delivered to you from their warehouse. More importantly, we want them to understand that by prioritizing the ball they prevent the runner from advancing to the next base. We have the Shortstop or Second Baseman move towards the ball and run to the oufield to get the ball back to the infield. In this case the second baseman then takes over the responsibility of covering second base. This forces the corner infielders to really move when the ball is put into play (Ball, Base, Back-up). Outfielders back-up bases on every play. The same goes for the coach. The reality is, like a lot of things in this game, mistakes will be made (multiple times). In this example we have a ball hit to the Second Baseman. There are two ways to transport the ball around the field: Most kids only consider the first option. (A catchers most valuable tool is their voice.). In most cases this occurs multiple times. Over time, players will learn to recognize this situation. Immediately after making a play at a base or tagging a runner, we want our player to turn towards the middle of the infield, in a Power Position, while Moving Their Feet, so they are prepared to make a throw. Softball Skills: Bunt Defense Drill | TeamSnap The odds of making a throw, in this situation, and recording an out, are slim. They Do Not predict how the next play might work out ie Infield go one, outfield go two; how do we know in advance where the ball might need to go? Cassie Cunniff (Sr./Mt. Written by Cindy Bristow with over 35 years of softball coaching experience, Softball Strategies, Coverages, Signals & Charts gives you all the factors you should consider when deciding on your offensive strategy, from a hit and run to a squeeze play, it's all here in detail. Softball Bunt Defense Explained Antonelli Softball is the #1 online resource for softball instruction. Adjust a couple feet to their right or left so to have a clear line of sight to the batter. Proper positioning is in line with the direction the ball would be thrown to the base Ball------------> Base ------> Player Backing up. As the season progresses we want to teach our players that their our positioning on the field in relationship to the bases and the ball changes each time the ball moves. Before our kids are ready to learn their roll, they first must clearly understand that the foundation of their play is the need for them to move from their spot on the field when the ball is pitched to another spot on the field. More kids get to batt and there is more action in the early part of the season when many games get called early because of darkness. Bats awake late in game one to propel Knights to sweep at Concordia Infield Base Coverage Responsibilities - Explained. And going through multiple repetitions of the drills. Softball defensive signals are a tool that many teams are not familiar with or that teams think are too advanced to take advantage of. The teaching phrase Look for Other Runners is literal. Wherever the ball is hit, the defenders need to start moving to it, not to see who can get to it first, but to provide backup and assume supportive roles once the ball is picked up. Basic softball defensive strategy and tactics is a look at the fundamental defensive components of the game. RULES: P Always moves towards the ball | Ball. Our first goal is to pound in the idea of keeping the ball moving. Aftertraining our kids inthese rules they will get to a point where most react more quickly andinstinctivelyto where they are needed on the field in any given situation. Use the magnet principle for defensive coverage in softball, More Excerpts From Survival Guide for Coaching Youth Softball, Foundations of Kinesiology/Exercise and Sport Science, Research Methods, Measurements, and Evaluation, Survival Guide for Coaching Youth Softball. Making a wide turn and/or dancing around baiting a throw are not examples of attempting to advance. In this case the Pitcher does not field the ball so they continue running in a straight line towards third base. Backing up distance is 25 beyond the basein line with the throw. The Bastion of the Defensive wall is a military fortification.The attraction consists of the museum and a viewing platform.I enjoyed this tourist attraction.The bastion sits on top of a hill and offers you a fine vista of the surrounding area.Great opportunity for picture taking of the view and the medieval type backdrop of the Bastion.It feels . Get the ball to the middle of the infield. Before a pitch it is ok to remind players of the situation; "One out runner on first. We can establish this habit during the Scrimmage (see Practice Structure) portion of practice. (see Pitcher below). This means that each player on the field takes an aggressive step towards the ball as it comes off the bat. The Pitcher moves a few feet towards second base when the ball is hit beyond the second base bag to center field. Are you in Canada? Unlike 90 baseball, the pitcher does not back up home plate. However this, and similar situations, lead to mistakes at all levels of play. --> The rule for the LEFT FIELDER, because the ball is hit to an infielder in front of them, is to go for the ball. --> The rule for the CF and LF is that because they are not playing the ball they are backing up a base. When you dig into the final section, End of the Play | Transition to the Next Batter, your club is reaching a point of taking full control of the game. Softball Defensive Ready Position - YouTube Anytime we compact the teaching/learning environment we reduce distractions, improve communication and the players get many more repetitions during a drill. It is important that our players understand that their base coverage and backing-up responsibilities continue throughout the play (regardless of their perception that nothing of importance is going on in their area of the field) and do not end until the ball is in the Pitchers hands and the Pitcher is standing next to the pitching rubber. The first movement of all three outfielders is towards the ball. --> The rule for the CF and RF is that because they are not playing the ball they are backing up a base. Occasionally the ball will get loose and the Catcher fills the role of Backing-up. It will be reiterated constantly throughout the season in most drills and activitiesbecause baseball/softball is a game of movement. While the runner will likely be safe, we want to prevent them from advancing to second base. Beginning with Coordinated Team Defense (Part 2), move through the rest of the section piece by piece at a pace your group can grasp the content. This is important because the kids are standing close together. The right fielder starts running in toward the ball and takes the ball if it gets past the two infielders. Options are then limited to: Carry the ball to its destination (run with the ball), Hand it to a teammate (who they have run to), Make a short underhand toss to a teammate (after running towards them to a point they are close enough to make a short, safe toss). What percentage of balls are hit everywhere else, at lesser speed and/or bouncing knee high or higher? Also, there are many more base runners, setting up a lot of force outs. The left fielder plays at about the same depth as the centerfielder and should be half way between the shortstop and third base defender. With only 3 downs to make 10 yards, the quarterback really has to be a playmaker. Now players are soft slapping, drag bunting, and power slapping depending on the defense is. 2. victory in game two. You can complete this set modifying any sample. The CF will need to cover 2nd. We coaches are not going to have players this age playing the game perfectly. A team of 11-12 year olds, who master this content, will cut 2-3 runs off the scoreboard, in most games, compared to a team that is not trained in this system. Softball Oklahoma remains No. In this case getting to the initial backing-up position is not a concern because the Pitcher is backing up third base. Double plays are rarely turned. ], Once the Pitcher has control of the ball, is a few feet from the pitching rubber, and the runners are not attempting to advance to the next base, we want our Pitcher to raise their arms and holler in a loud voice in the direction of an umpire, TIME Please!. When it is recognized that another player will field the Ball. In this circumstance, the corner outfielders will back up the base by playing a carom off the fence. At other times, you may see several defenders standing around the ball in what appears to be a board meeting to decide who will pick up the ball. We want to train our players that the moment TIME has been called, and/or the pitcher steps on the rubber, they immediately move their eyes from the ball to the Catcher (see below). While we would like to get an out every time, the reality is it is not going to happen. Five feet behind the baseline. Artillery Bastion (Basteja) (Vilnius) - All You Need to - Tripadvisor The traditional way to cover second base on a steal is to have your shortstop take the throw at second from the catcher. This is the best body position for an athlete who needs to react and move quickly in any direction. The infielders then echo this information to the outfielders (if needed). Teach them that in order to catch off-line throws, they are going to have to move away from the base (Move Feet to Catch). We dont criticize the Catcher when they make the wrong call. If you are looking to purchase online videos, online courses or to access previously purchased digital products please press continue. It would be nice for the 9-11 age group to get into this part, but its not life or death. Physical Literacy on the Move was written to help educators of children and youths from grades K through 12 teach high-quality and fun games and activities that support the unique needs of their learners as they develop physical literacy. From this point forward, we are filling in the gaps of the above teaching. It will take ongoing emphasis by the coaching staff to instill this habit.

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